New member
I have gotten some questions about the R&R with an HPOP so I did a little write up, if this is in the wrong spot feel free to move it mods.
HPOP Removal and Reinstallation
Fuel bowl removal:
3/4 end wrench for feed line
5/8 end wrench for return line
9/16 end wrench for lines to heads
#13 for fuel bowl bolts thru HPOP res
To get to the second bolt you’ll need to remove the front cover plate. Use a #8 socket with a wobble extension or however you can get access, they can be a pain.
To remove the ebp tube use a stubby #15 end wrench and a 5/8 crows foot for best results, again its really up to you what you use, however you can get it out easiest for you. Here we used two wrenches since we already pulled the motor and had room.
Once removed you can pull the left fuel bowl bolt and yank it out for more room.
Remove the cover plate and clean it up.
Inside you’ll see the drive gear you need to remove next.
Use a #18 socket with a breaker bar of some sort, you’ll have to pop it to get it to come loose, if you turn slow you’ll just turn the engine over.
When you smack it good enough it will sound like you broke something but the bolt and washer will easily come out now, don’t drop the washer, its no fun trying to fish it out when you drop one…ask me how I know.
Next you can unplug your ipr and remove the two #10 bolts.
Lastly remove the hpop lines, you can buy the tool or just use two flatheads and push from the metal side onto the rubber (towards the pump)
When you pull the pump the oil will drain out of the resi so be prepared with lots of paper towels!
Make sure you clean the mating surfaces very well, any little bit of grime on the motor can cause a leak
Reinstall is pretty much the reverse procedure. Make sure you install the cover plate after you have installed the fuel bowl because you can’t get to the left bolt with it in there. Also make sure you have a good ring of RTV around the cover plate so you don’t have any leaks.
If anyone has any questions feel free to post or PM me!
Big thanks to Chris aka Vanderchevy18 for getting greasy while I took the pictures LOL
HPOP Removal and Reinstallation
Fuel bowl removal:
3/4 end wrench for feed line
5/8 end wrench for return line
9/16 end wrench for lines to heads
#13 for fuel bowl bolts thru HPOP res
To get to the second bolt you’ll need to remove the front cover plate. Use a #8 socket with a wobble extension or however you can get access, they can be a pain.
To remove the ebp tube use a stubby #15 end wrench and a 5/8 crows foot for best results, again its really up to you what you use, however you can get it out easiest for you. Here we used two wrenches since we already pulled the motor and had room.
Once removed you can pull the left fuel bowl bolt and yank it out for more room.
Remove the cover plate and clean it up.
Inside you’ll see the drive gear you need to remove next.
Use a #18 socket with a breaker bar of some sort, you’ll have to pop it to get it to come loose, if you turn slow you’ll just turn the engine over.
When you smack it good enough it will sound like you broke something but the bolt and washer will easily come out now, don’t drop the washer, its no fun trying to fish it out when you drop one…ask me how I know.
Next you can unplug your ipr and remove the two #10 bolts.
Lastly remove the hpop lines, you can buy the tool or just use two flatheads and push from the metal side onto the rubber (towards the pump)
When you pull the pump the oil will drain out of the resi so be prepared with lots of paper towels!
Make sure you clean the mating surfaces very well, any little bit of grime on the motor can cause a leak
Reinstall is pretty much the reverse procedure. Make sure you install the cover plate after you have installed the fuel bowl because you can’t get to the left bolt with it in there. Also make sure you have a good ring of RTV around the cover plate so you don’t have any leaks.
If anyone has any questions feel free to post or PM me!
Big thanks to Chris aka Vanderchevy18 for getting greasy while I took the pictures LOL
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