OBS Super duty swap questions.


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Apr 21, 2019
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So I have seen a lot of these and before I do this myself I wanted to clarify a few things. Maybe you guys can give me some insight.

First off, How much offset is needed in the coil buckets to get them to line up with the coil spring location on the axles? I have everything but the coil buckets here and don't have any to measure. Fabricated coil buckets are easy enough to build but with factory buckets being fairly cheap, I was wondering if anything else was needed.

Radius Arms: The factory radius arms are very restrictive, has anyone uses the ruff stuff DOM radius arm kit? Looks to me like this would give a lot more flex but might decrease ride comfort.

Coils or Coilovers: Coils provide a factory ride and I get that but coil over shocks would be a fine upgrade in that space and I'm not sure why I haven't seen anyone using them. Ruff stuff and several others sell the kits for superduty trucks, why not use them in an OBS swap?


May 21, 2016
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the factory buckets work fine with no offset
if you were to fab upper mounts the coilovers make a lot of sense, you wouldnt have to remove buckets from the donnor or figure how to mount them to the obs

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