I've created a map that pinpoints locations of the sponsors/vendors of PSA for quick reference. The idea here is to easily find a shop near a member, or someone else in need. There has been more than a few times I've tried helping someone out through a forum and would love nothing more than to recommend a good reputable shop near them, but I never know where the good shops are located. This alleviates that problem. Now you can pull the map up and get driving directions to the nearest repair shop to you.
On the map you will see two color coded tags (for now, maybe add more later). Blue tags signify a shop that basically does parts only. Red tags indicate a shop that does parts AND repairs.
If you highlight over a tag, it should show the shop name. If you click on the tag, you will find all of the info you could want/need for said shop. I believe all have an exact address as well as phone numbers. Some have links to their website and emails as well. I can tweak these as we progress, it doesn't have to stay like this. I can add a photo, a youtube vid, a link to your facebook page, whatever you guys want.
This is for everyone, and if anyone thinks anything needs changing, please let me know. Anyone should be able to view this. When you open the map, you'll notice it's zoomed in on the center of the US, so just zoom out a bit and you'll see the tags across the country. I'm going to try and figure out a way for it to open up already zoomed out where it needs to be, but for now this will do.
Again, anything can be changed as you see fit. If any more sponsors/vendors want in, please just PM me your info. The more info the better. I would like to have:
Shop name
Phone number
Email address (if applicable)
web address (if applicable)
A brief description of what your shop does or what your capabilities are, or what you specialize in
We can also put shop hours in if you want, though I may recommend leaving that on your website, so if you ever need to change it, it's not wrong on the map.
It's up to you guys.
Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome!
Here's the map: http://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=503223&x=-95.712891&y=37.090240&z=4&add=1
On the map you will see two color coded tags (for now, maybe add more later). Blue tags signify a shop that basically does parts only. Red tags indicate a shop that does parts AND repairs.
If you highlight over a tag, it should show the shop name. If you click on the tag, you will find all of the info you could want/need for said shop. I believe all have an exact address as well as phone numbers. Some have links to their website and emails as well. I can tweak these as we progress, it doesn't have to stay like this. I can add a photo, a youtube vid, a link to your facebook page, whatever you guys want.
This is for everyone, and if anyone thinks anything needs changing, please let me know. Anyone should be able to view this. When you open the map, you'll notice it's zoomed in on the center of the US, so just zoom out a bit and you'll see the tags across the country. I'm going to try and figure out a way for it to open up already zoomed out where it needs to be, but for now this will do.
Again, anything can be changed as you see fit. If any more sponsors/vendors want in, please just PM me your info. The more info the better. I would like to have:
Shop name
Phone number
Email address (if applicable)
web address (if applicable)
A brief description of what your shop does or what your capabilities are, or what you specialize in
We can also put shop hours in if you want, though I may recommend leaving that on your website, so if you ever need to change it, it's not wrong on the map.
It's up to you guys.
Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome!
Here's the map: http://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=503223&x=-95.712891&y=37.090240&z=4&add=1