Interactive Sponsor/Vendor Map


Active member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mohawk NY
I've created a map that pinpoints locations of the sponsors/vendors of PSA for quick reference. The idea here is to easily find a shop near a member, or someone else in need. There has been more than a few times I've tried helping someone out through a forum and would love nothing more than to recommend a good reputable shop near them, but I never know where the good shops are located. This alleviates that problem. Now you can pull the map up and get driving directions to the nearest repair shop to you.

On the map you will see two color coded tags (for now, maybe add more later). Blue tags signify a shop that basically does parts only. Red tags indicate a shop that does parts AND repairs.

If you highlight over a tag, it should show the shop name. If you click on the tag, you will find all of the info you could want/need for said shop. I believe all have an exact address as well as phone numbers. Some have links to their website and emails as well. I can tweak these as we progress, it doesn't have to stay like this. I can add a photo, a youtube vid, a link to your facebook page, whatever you guys want.

This is for everyone, and if anyone thinks anything needs changing, please let me know. Anyone should be able to view this. When you open the map, you'll notice it's zoomed in on the center of the US, so just zoom out a bit and you'll see the tags across the country. I'm going to try and figure out a way for it to open up already zoomed out where it needs to be, but for now this will do.

Again, anything can be changed as you see fit. If any more sponsors/vendors want in, please just PM me your info. The more info the better. I would like to have:

Shop name
Phone number
Email address (if applicable)
web address (if applicable)
A brief description of what your shop does or what your capabilities are, or what you specialize in
We can also put shop hours in if you want, though I may recommend leaving that on your website, so if you ever need to change it, it's not wrong on the map.

It's up to you guys.

Thoughts/comments/suggestions welcome!

Here's the map:




Well-known member
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
that is awesome-how do we add to it? is it okay to put a shop on that doesn't sponsor the site?


Active member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mohawk NY
that is awesome-how do we add to it? is it okay to put a shop on that doesn't sponsor the site?

Well for now, I attempted to set it up so it requires a password to change anything, and I believe that's how it's set up. I just didn't want a ton of arbitrary info being posted, and wanted to keep it all the same. As for putting up a shop that doesn't sponsor the site... well... I hadn't thought about that honestly. There's no reason we can't I suppose, but at the same time I don't want the map flooded with just any shops either, I want to keep it to reputable shops. Someone you can blindly trust to send a stranger to and know they will be taken care of. The kind of shops that sponsor on PSA, we know they're good shops. That kind of shop. Know what I mean?

I guess we should discuss it though, see what everyone thinks. Or do we want to keep it as a "benefit" for our current sponsors/vendors? I mean, it is in the sponsor section now, and is titled Sponsor/Vendor map... I think we should probably just leave it for those guys for now. Maybe later we can add a few more shops in, using a different color or something. That's my thoughts on it...


New member
May 18, 2011
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I think we should leave it with just the site sponsors.

I need to pm ya with a different website to use now that we have the webstore up and running.

But its really sweet and thanks for doing this
Last edited:


Well-known member
May 25, 2011
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Central Michigan
that is awesome so far!! i know just having site sponsors on it would keep it psa oriented but for those of us that travel the country and often work in BFE, it woukd be nice if need be to know if there is a shop close to use to do repairs. even if not a sponsor.

live life full throttle


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
After talking it over with a few of the staff members, I think we're going to keep it to just sponsors/vendors for the time being.

Everyone who has PM'd me to be on the map is on there as of this morning.



Active member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mohawk NY
PM sent! Thanks for doing this! :thumbsup:

No problem, got your PM, adding your info right now.

This would be just for shops right?? Not the guys that just sell stuff??

Both. I tagged the places that sell just parts in blue tags, and the shops that do repair and parts in red.

OK Might have to get some information together then!

Do it and PM me. The info I need is in the first post of the thread. :toast:

i dont see my basement on there.

I don't see a PM from you with your info either... :)


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
Just got to use the map how I intended to, for the first time this morning. Had a guy from facebook send me a message asking about a fair price for the labor to do studs/gaskets on his 6.0 and how much he should expect to pay. Looked his address up and he's about 1 hour away from G racing located in Beaumont TX. The guy is in Lake Charles Louisiana. NICE. He's also pretty close to Complete Performance. I told him to click on both of you guys and give you both a call for cost estimates. So much easier this way! Awesome.


<How I Fly
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
No problem, got your PM, adding your info right now.

Both. I tagged the places that sell just parts in blue tags, and the shops that do repair and parts in red.

Do it and PM me. The info I need is in the first post of the thread. :toast:

I don't see a PM from you with your info either... :)

i was just kidding.

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