I've been having what I think are major issues with my EOT when I'm towing. I have a '15 and when I first bought my truck and it was stock I would hit 248* towing 6,500lbs. When I would hit 248* the truck would feel like it would defuel but I couldn't tell for sure. I consulted the dealer and they noted there was nothing wrong with the truck. I deleted the truck in late October, and I towed a larger 10,000 # camper all spring but never saw as high of temps until this last weekend. Outside temp was 95* and several times I would be pulling a grade and my EOT would hit 248 and my truck would lose over half its power. I could have my foot on the floor and only see 900* for EGT's when I'd lose power. Has anyone else experienced this in the '15's and does anyone have experience with the MDP oil cooler relocation kit?