before people start swinging for the fences all i have to say is STFU! if you cant add to an intelligent conversation on a comparison between the 2 then i say simply to STFU, again.
keep this on track if you want to open up another can of worms, nos. being a nut swinger for industrial is not enough reason to say one turbo is superior over the other, or that whatever they have for a product is hands down the best for the 6.4.
there have been a couple bad experiences already and people let out to dry with their product, and simply saying that you will say something to help someone isn't enough for me to think twice. a company should stand by its product regardless without someone trying to help out or do favors.
im sure that industrial doesn't like the fact that they have someone coming on line and representing their product in such a matter.
last but not least... before you go after dustin, i suggest you buy shirts that aren't from the baby gap before you start running your mouth

keep it on track guys!