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  1. V

    remote start doesn't work

    ok, it must be the check engine light that's on , S PARTAN is working on that. thanks guys
  2. V

    remote start doesn't work

    the truck honks when I try and remote start, I didn't un clip the hood switch. but I will verifry it still is clipped.
  3. V

    remote start doesn't work

    My remote start no longer works for my 2015 6.7. The problem started at the end of last week when I installed a flo-pro exhaust, S P artan tuned n gauge tuner, s&B intake and rudys e g r ****** kit and coolant reroute. any ideas of why its not working. Thanks
  4. V

    2015 Tuner, exhaust, intake, egr ****** and now a engine code

    Yes, I've cleared it a few times and it stays off while I drive it, but the very next time I start the truck its on
  5. V

    2015 Tuner, exhaust, intake, egr ****** and now a engine code

    I emailed them this morning, they said they were checking into it, was just hoping somebody on here had the same issue thanks
  6. V

    2015 Tuner, exhaust, intake, egr ****** and now a engine code

    Yesterday I installed a 5" Flo-pro, an EGR ****** from Rudy's, S&B Intake and the N-gauge from S P A R T A N. The truck seems to run great and I'm very happy with everything, but I got a check engine light that came on the second start-up. The code is P24c6 something about a particulate...

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