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  1. S

    Noticed a new!

    I'll start with the pedestal and go from there. I did notice that the ribbed black lines going through the valley area, which based on research seem to be the HPO lines, have quite a bit of residue on them like they've had oil on them
  2. S

    Noticed a new!

    Very bottom of the dust cover in between the oil pan and transmission. Should've used another word besides smiley face. Doesn't sound like I'm going to live that one down...
  3. S

    Noticed a new!

    It's not red, doesn't smell like diesel, and feels and smells like oil so I'm going with that option. There is some sludge in the valley, which is annoying because it was just at the dealer a couple months ago to check for leaks since there is a small spot (today was much bigger obviously)...
  4. S

    Noticed a new!

    Noticed a pretty decent sized spot under the truck this morning and was suprised at what I found! Looks like the front transmission cover is almost falling off and missing 3 bolts! I'm pretty new to these trucks, but I've learned a lot over the last few months on these forums but I have a few...

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