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  1. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    Trucks in my possession Im near Akron in the small town of Norton and I would love to keep it but I don't have the money.
  2. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    yeah im like a hour from conneaut my friend
  3. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    I got the quote from Ganley Ford that the turbo just needs cleaned up, ad the HGs need done. An just because the interior isnt pretty shouldn't change the price. Its what I need off a loan, that's not me profiting thats me paying off a loan and stuck with no vehicle.
  4. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    Alright guys I live on a gravel road so give me credit for being dirty, at least its not horrible a good scrub an vacuum and **** will buff. Everyone knows **** gets muddy when it's raining an like I said I live in Ohio but thats the interior
  5. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    Also I have a SCT TSX and 3in down pipe to 5in straight pipe exhaust, with the turner though I never really messed around with it since I was never home.
  6. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    I live in North Eastern ohio and yeah I can take any pics you want if you'd like hit me up on my cell or I can post them on here the interior is cloth
  7. F

    2004 F350 4x4 6.0

    I am trying to sell my truck I am trying to get 9100 for it because I still owe money on it. Long story short I just got home from overseas stationed in Germany in the US Army. My head gasket blew and I already have a lot of work into it and I can't afford it anymore :( List of things I HAVE...

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