Is the 03 turbo differently mounted than the newer trucks. All of the write ups and videos show the rear bolt being vertical I swear mine is horizontal and I can't get to the sob easily
Any tips on getting this thing out? I've tried pulling down pipe out but only chance there is cutting hangers I just can't get any leverage on this thing
snap on has a box end wrench that does not have a bend in it (completely straight) that I will put on it then use a 10 inch pry bar and put it again to the turbo and slight pry and it will break loose. have also done it wIth a flex head
So what if I told you the bolt is stripped and for fun I wanted to pull the pedestal and all at once. Once we get past the laughing how would one direct someone to do that
So, i have been in your exact position once, i used an air hammer with a chisel attatchment to remove it. You may also try an extractor socket before going to the extreme. I have never tried to remove the pedestal with turbo still attatched, but seems like a bish.
Well I got lucky, I pryed up on the turbo just a little against my better judgement and then beat a 3/8 1/4" socket onto the nut and just like that it Broke loose. I thought It had slipped off again but it actually decided to break free so after 4 hours straight of laying across the hood I finally got it. Thank Jesus