Modifying early front cover for reservoir filter gasket

Big Bore

New member
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
9000ft in the CO Rockies
Caution: Ugly LOL

Ok so I promised I would do this and post pics. This first attempt was a little rough and I learned a couple things. Fortunately it is on a cover that I was going to toss, although now I'm considering attempting to have the crack on the oil cooler flange welded.

In any event it went fairly easy, took about 45 min and several cutoff wheels on the dremel. I slowed the dremel speed and that seemed to help with control. A die grinder would prob work a lot better. I nicked it once when chopping off a long cut section. As soon as the wheel went through I realized I should have just made a partial cut and snapped it off, which is how I did the rest. Nothing a little JB cant fix, if it's even an issue, otherwise the depth gauge said everything was good. If I can have cracked cover welded satisfactorily I may just use this one on the next motor. I definitely think it shows that it can be done easily enough. I did have the advantage of placing it in a vice at a nice angle to work on. On the truck might be a little more tricky, but I think a person could do it successfully. I would not be afraid at all to attempt it on the truck. Tape everything off, stuff something tightly in the hole and vacuum the shavings up thoroughly.

This shows the lip that will be removed. I started my cut at the large inner radius and worked my way around clockwise as this gave the best control. Once I made the first cut in I simply used the gasket slot as a guide for the wheel. Use a very bright light when doing this.

This shows the gasket with filter in place before cutting the lip away. The gap is caused by the metal plate the screen attaches to sitting on top of the lip that will be removed. That is what causes the cover to crack when the reservoir is bolted down onto the filter gasket on a non filter cover.


After the lip is removed. As I said, ugly, but serviceable with a bit of JB at worse case.


Reservoir sitting on cover with filter gasket in place.


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