In march, while I was hauling my motorcycle back from bike week, I stopped for fuel and came back and my truck just would not start. Scan gauge showed like .2 volts for icp so I figured the hpop **** the bed. After a huge hassle getting the truck towed and trailer I was pulling towed back, I got it in the shop and they confirmed it. They replaced the hpop with a brand new one and everything was going good until just the other day when it did the exact same thing to me. It was running great and i shut it off and it wouldn't restart. Scan gauge was showing low icp again so I figured it had to have been something the shop did wrong and there was a leak. Well I just got a call from the shop and they say every time they go to start it it starts right up. Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this? I am going to go pick it up but I honestly don't trust it to drive anywhere and am almost to the point of selling it even though I love the truck.