Did you reuse your Sector Shaft Nut (holds Pitman Arm on steering gearbox shaft) or get a new one? Those nuts are a one time torque nut and can/will back themselves off if reused. I had that issue on my '14. I put new nuts on (use one as a stop nut for insurance *shrug* lol), added LocTite, and over torqued them just a little & it solved that part of it. I also used a sharpie to make a line from nut to nut (lol) to keep an eye on alignment. Then, I realized my Track Bar Drop Bracket was not tight enough. It turns out I need more of a compressor to support my IR Thunder Gun's total CFM draw under load ('bout 24 CFM). I turned up the line PSI to get close to the gun's 90 PSI max while under load (about 110 PSI not under load), tightened the five bolts on the bracket and have been good since. Well, that's not counting that I had to replace all steering components around, I think, 72k mi except Tie Rod Ends. That's all my experience so far.
- from farm to Air Force, from 7.3 to 6.7, still fairly new to PSA, diesel junky ever learning... "Life's hard, it's harder when you're stupid" - John Wayne ... I might screw that up once in a while, sorry if I do but, life happens lol