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  1. smoker00

    New Texas Girl

  2. smoker00

    Favorite 7.3 combo.

    My favorite was 250\200s modded h2e adrenalin twin stock pumps ITP RR live tuned this was quite a few years ago.. But it had good power... Ran good ...pulled was just a really nice DD setup...
  3. smoker00

    Think I blew my turbo

    The modded H2 is what i would go with the 19cm housing like Joe said.. I loved my H2 and even more when i had it modded.. Ran it with 250/200 for over 100k.. Not sure how that hx55 let go there a tuff turbo..
  4. smoker00

    New guy

  5. smoker00

    6.4 2.6 pulling truck build

    I like that... Good name..
  6. smoker00

    08 reg cab 6.4 6 spd

    LOL That is all...
  7. smoker00

    Pro Stock Powerstroke Mustang

  8. smoker00

    water meth

    My nozzles, solenoids, and controller are (coolingmist).. this is who I would go with also.. I use the water for cooling proposes only not for a power adder.. so not sure on the power side I try to keep egts at 1450.. at the track
  9. smoker00

    newbie here

  10. smoker00

    What hp will it make?

    I say Run it.. not sure if you will have enough oil but monitor it and see.. also BP..And see what its doing.. And what i would do if the 400 nozzles. Are not working out go to some 2s I would hope to see you in the 600+ a little.. Good luck withe the build... have fun with it..
  11. smoker00

    2011 6.7 with a 2015 turbo.....

    Nice work!! What I like the most is having a more reliable VGT.. In the 6.7 platform.
  12. smoker00

    FFD 238/200's

    Ill dig them out.. Ill pm you some info..
  13. smoker00

    FFD 238/200's

    I have a set of good injectors in the shop If you want them come get them.. That way if you need to get that truck can asap.. Just have you buyer send me some good cores..
  14. smoker00

    96 Powerstroke Build

    I think you got a good buy.. nice work keep it up!
  15. smoker00

    Orange transformer up for sale!!!

    Ill be darn Its back..
  16. smoker00

    My build

    I have a 76 that looks like that.. Sorry to see it man..
  17. smoker00

    little pulling action from this weekend

    Nice pulls guys.. looks good
  18. smoker00

    converter stall

    You have a PM Mike
  19. smoker00

    S475 idea's

    My wife has his stage 2.. for a 6.0 he is super good to deal with. Cutting edge can hook you up also. I'm sure..
  20. smoker00

    S475 idea's

    PM this guy..

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