Dodge/Rams down fall has always been and continues to be build quality. Yes they come off the lot all nice and tight, but give it a year or two and see how well it holds up. I have see several friends that have switched brands to ford after getting ford work trucks simply due to the fact that they stay squeek and rattle free longer. My last 2 trucks, one with 130,000 miles and my current one with 110,000 miles are still rattle free for the most part and that is with a 50/50 on/off highway driving.
As far as the engines go. Take a look at what a lot of fleet trucks are. A vast majority of service companies switched to dodge and chev after the 6.0 and the 6.4(chatty emississions equipment) due to high warranty claims. Now 90% of the crew trucks are ford. The 6.7psd is a tough engine. The only failure I've ever heard of first hand was ONE turbo failing right at the end of the power train coverage. New turbo was installed and the truck is still running strong with 130,000miles. 120,000 with a tuner.
At the end of the day get what you prefer. But to shy away from the ford because of what a bunch of brand bashers say is really short sighted.