I looked all through that TSB for mention of the 11-14's that were exhibiting this issue, but couldn't find it
but then I've never heard of it being an issue on 11-14's until earlier this morning.
I have heard a lot about the 15's though
Heres the TSB. It has since changed to included the 11-14s. Also, check this thread out too. We discussed this a while ago on with someone who was having this problem on the 11-14s.
2011-2013 F-Super Duty - 6.7L Diesel Engine - Runs Rough/Misfire During Exhaust Regeneration Process
See TSB: 13-05-09 for details. 13-05-09
Some 2011-2013 F-Super Duty vehicles equipped with a 6.7L diesel engine may exhibit a runs rough/misfire condition only during the exhaust regeneration process. This condition typically occurs on light throttle tip in between 64-113 Km/h (40-70 MPH), and will not set diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). The concern may be intermittent and a knocking noise may be present during the concern.
Follow the Service Procedure steps to correct the condition.
Step 1- Did the customer indicate the message center displayed a Cleaning Exhaust Filter message prior to the concern?
Yes - proceed to Step 2.
No - this article does not apply. Refer to the Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual for normal diagnosis.
Step 2- Using Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) or equivalent, retrieve DTCs from the Powertrain Control Module. Are DTC's present?
Yes - this article does not apply. Refer to the PC/ED manual for normal diagnosis.
No - proceed to Step 3.
Step 3- Remove the left hand cylinder head. Refer to Workshop Manual (WSM), Section 303-01.
Replace all eight (8) exhaust valves and valve seals.