4WD ESOF wth!?!


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May 22, 2015
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Eastern Shore MD
This is going to be long winded because I want to have all the information as possible for you guys so bear with me.

To start of my ESOF switch has not been putting my truck in 4WD as it should for a while before all this happened, so I have to lock the hubs then flip the switch and the indicator lights have worked as they are supposed to. Friday night I ended up putting my truck in 4hi because of the storm that came through central Kansas. I got to where I was hunting and left it in 4wd overnight. Drove all morning and parked at about 10, hunted until 4ish. Weather started as rain at 32 Friday night, it was 21 when I got up at 530 Saturday and by 4 it was 5 degrees, snow and a 20+mph north wind. A buddy started my truck for me and pulled it down to me and while I was getting all packed up I noticed the 4wd light was not on even though I had left it in 4wd for the entire time. I was offroad in snow and had no problem so I am pretty sure I was in 4hi still and headed home (I wanted to be in 4hi, conditions were still bad) after maybe 30 minutes I noticed that the dash light was on but said I was in 4low, and I knew for sure that was not the case. Turned off to get fuel and food and pulling into a restaurant, I didn't feel anything but started spinning on roadway that had not been a problem before. went in and ate then started tinkering with it. turned the truck on and again no 4wd light when I still hadn't taken it out of 4hi. powerbraked and my buddy told me that my front tires weren't spinning I tried for 15 minutes to get it out of 2wd, switching through all my 4wd settings, nothing. I went on my way. 20 minutes later, the truck says im in 4hi....10 minutes later the low range light comes on, rode like that another hour until I got home. temps dipped significantly below 0 overnight so I wasn't going outside to tinker with it (-6 when I got up this morning).

Today, same symptoms, 4 low light comes on after a little bit even though I have unlocked hubs and its been running in 2wheel for sure. on the highway I went to put on the cruise control and I got nothing, no light or CC. rolled my eyes at the truck and went on, next thing I know the green CC indicator light is on but it definitely is not holding speed.

so far that's all I have, so where does that put me? at first I thought it was simply electrical and related to the weather. I thought the sensor or the transfer case control module was bad but now im starting to think my vacuum leak (no ESOF to begin with) has gotten bad enough that its much more prevalent in the trucks operation. Could it be both of those? I don't want to throw money into the truck blindly so I need help. The problem is that I have moved and don't have the place or tools to do too much to the truck now. HELP!!!



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May 22, 2015
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Eastern Shore MD
good to know. I think the fact that it coming on and off not in sync with the position of the transfer case had me really worried. any idea on what could be the issue?


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Oct 9, 2013
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I'm saying wiring. Something chaffed or water the plug. Something wire involved. It is quite weird though. I just had a battle with my esof parts on my 7.3. New transfer case motor and it still only worked when it wanted to. Swapped a couple relays around with some good relays and it all works now. It's a finicky little bastard.


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May 22, 2015
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Eastern Shore MD
I just went outside, started the truck put it in neutral set the parking brake and turned my vents on as high as possible then tried moving the esof knob into different positions and it never made the vents go to defrost. does that mean my vacuum lines are all good or would I not even be able to tell that until I had my 4x4 in working condition?


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May 21, 2011
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Manual transfer case and done.!

You can't keep the esof BS working. It's to much to type to walk through the whole system, but there is a 2 relay box out by the LH battery that is responsible for the ESOF.

Cut the tape off it and check for corrosion there. But in all seriousness, if that does fix it for now, it will be something else later.


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May 22, 2015
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Eastern Shore MD
finally rolled around in the snow tonight to replace the transfer case shift motor and the plug on the top side of the motor was missing and every wire was shredded....looks like problem identified. probably got hung up in the drive shaft knuckle right there im assuming


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Dec 6, 2016
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I'm currently fighting a loosing battle with no T case shift operation.... Same issue as what your having. The Shift motor works because I can back feed through the relays and lock it into 4x4, Something wiring and I'm about to find me a Manual T case. Good Luck!


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Aug 7, 2011
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Butt Town
The trouble shooting guide for the ESOF is pretty long. There is also a module behind the dash near the radio. When that cr@ps out so does the ESOF.

Fwiw, the hoses can be an issues as well. IF you decide to replace your hoses go get y connectors from any autoparts store and hose. I can't remember the size but I redid all my hose w/ thick walled silicone tubing. No issues, so far so good.

I did have a hub/knuckle oring leak. I replaced the oring and put a thin layer of gasket maker on the knuckle seal for good measure.

CAP good luck w/ getting the wiring done.
Mike, it could be relays or even a short/ground in the wiring harness. When my module went out, the hubs would not lock and the t-case wouldn't engage. But w/o several pages of manual it's a cr@p shoot.

If you plan on keeping these trucks get the manuals on disc of ebay so you have trouble shooting capabilities.

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