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I would contact lead foot Diesel performance they're out of Monroe and do the best work.
Have to pull the trans and then I get pull block out. Any write ups on pulling the trans? Where do you access converter bolts from? Starter hole? If so what's the best way to turn motor over?
More dirty engine porn and another crack. Front 2 cylinders had cracks. Water pump has minor cavitation.
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I would contact lead foot Diesel performance they're out of Monroe and do the best work.
Call them ask for vinny he'll get you in the right direction
I think MPD or midwest can hook you up with flow testing the injectors. I think it would be worth the piece of mind while its apart. And if the pump is holding rail fine then I would leave it alone just because of the reman nightmares that have been happening(ask B585!) I just replaced my rockers since I was doing the pushrods and springs, but I'm glad I did after checking them out! They looked fine but they were sticking on the tips. The truck only has 90k on it and was deleted at 65k with oil changes EVERY 5k or less. Its kinda cheap insurance to do the rockers in my eyes. And I don't know if I missed it but at the minimum get new oem pistons and delip them or go one step further and get HD ones. Oil cooler isn't a bad thing to do while your in there but your deltas were good so meh thats not really required, again thats just an opinion.
Opinions on doing the following while motor is out....
FYI truck has 140k
Oil pump
Oil cooler - deltas were always around 2-5 degrees difference
Hpfp? Playing with fire with the reman pumps?
Connecting rods
Also would ATI or Fluid Dampener be a worthy mod? As far as injectors, I would like to get the cleaned up and flow tested. Is Maryland Diesel the only place that does this? If not who would you all recommend?
Thanks for the advise and info
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No i didn't do lifters because i left the heads on. But with that mileage it really wouldn't be a bad thing to replace them. How many miles before it was deleted?
Have you had the heads magnafluxed yet? I bet they find more then 2 cracks with that kind of heat it's been seeing, mine had 2 fine cracks per valve seat but I re used them cause I didn't have another 3 grand laying around for reman heads
idk keep the stock hpfp, would hate to put a new(reman) in and have it leaking all sorts of fuel everywhere. although from what i read the leaking issues were cold weather related if i'm not mistaken, still though i think if the old hpfp worked flawless run it. I'd probably keep running the old oil pump too, i mean no reason to replace if its fine. I'd deff do lifters and rocker arms. I'd do billet connecting rods if you plan to make 800-1000 or more even.
Opinions on doing the following while motor is out....
FYI truck has 140k
Oil pump
Oil cooler - deltas were always around 2-5 degrees difference
Hpfp? Playing with fire with the reman pumps?
Connecting rods
Also would ATI or Fluid Dampener be a worthy mod? As far as injectors, I would like to get the cleaned up and flow tested. Is Maryland Diesel the only place that does this? If not who would you all recommend?
Thanks for the advise and info
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i would leave the hpfp and oil pump. have the rods checked for straightness. factory damper is fine unless you plan on turning some big rpm. lifters and rockers are a big yes for how cheap and how accessible they are right now.
i would take all your stuff up to Morgan @ Midwest Diesel. you get straight goods from that guy.
call him for a will likely be pleasantly surprised.
Another vote for keeping the factory HPFP if it was maintaining RP and keeping the oil pump. I would do the oil cooler, lifters, rockers, push rods, springs.
Let's say I do upgrade the springs and push rods, I'm still not doing anything with the higher EBP from the 71mm.
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