disconnecting selector switch from TS chip

May 18, 2011
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Austin, Tx
Hey guys. I need to pull my chip out and put it in someone elses truck to help diagnose some performance problems that I believe are being caused by his tuning.

My question is what will the chip do if I disconnect the selector switch from the chip? Will the chip stay in the position it was in when disconnected or will it default to a certain position? I need to use my number 3 position tune on this truck, so if it's going to default to like position 1, I need to buy a spare selector to test in his truck.

For the guys who might ask why I don't pull my selector out.. I have my selector mounted in the instrument bezel in my OBS. Some of the pins were broken last time I pulled the bezel out and I'm afraid that if I pull it out again, it will be too far gone to re-install in the truck and I will have to buy a new bezel. So I'd rather not pull the bezel out and leave my selector switch in the truck if I can. It would be cheaper to buy another switch rather than buy an instrument bezel.

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