You are a Moderator right???
? Yeah
You are a Moderator right???
Man, how come all this **** turns into a big pissing match every ***ing time
***ers bitch we dont have enough turbo options, someone comes out with them "oh thats too much money"
We need cylinder heads "oh, *** should have used some different materials"
Jesus guys we are all on the same team here, trying to make hp, either build it yourself, buy it, or stfu
because joe thinks outside the box and noone else does. and jeff dobbs is faster than him on stock everything in a heavier truck.
I dont even want this **** to turn into a pissing match anymore, we have all done our part to push the 6.4 stuff further and further, Aaron, tadd, empire, joe, you, jeff, jeremy, guy, shone, erik, myself have all tried to push the 6.4 to what it has become today... look at Aaron 9.4... no dodge or duramax guy ever thought that would ever happen, we are here, we are here to play, and yet we have some of the most childish bull**** going on some times its ***ing retarded. It honestly made me kinda mad when joe posted that but i decided not to say anything, we all have are differences, but all joking aside, telling someone they should think outside the box after they spend big $$$ to develope a billet head... un ***ing real to me... unreal
maybe one day you will think outsode the box, until then, stfu. LOL
Man, how come all this **** turns into a big pissing match every ***ing time
***ers bitch we dont have enough turbo options, someone comes out with them "oh thats too much money"
We need cylinder heads "oh, *** should have used some different materials"
Jesus guys we are all on the same team here, trying to make hp, either build it yourself, buy it, or stfu
I dont even want this **** to turn into a pissing match anymore, we have all done our part to push the 6.4 stuff further and further, Aaron, tadd, empire, joe, you, jeff, jeremy, guy, shone, erik, myself have all tried to push the 6.4 to what it has become today... look at Aaron 9.4... no dodge or duramax guy ever thought that would ever happen, we are here, we are here to play, and yet we have some of the most childish bull**** going on some times its ***ing retarded. It honestly made me kinda mad when joe posted that but i decided not to say anything, we all have are differences, but all joking aside, telling someone they should think outside the box after they spend big $$$ to develope a billet head... un ***ing real to me... unreal
because joe thinks outside the box and noone else does. and jeff dobbs is faster than him on stock everything in a heavier truck.
I dont even want this **** to turn into a pissing match anymore, we have all done our part to push the 6.4 stuff further and further, Aaron, tadd, empire, joe, you, jeff, jeremy, guy, shone, erik, myself have all tried to push the 6.4 to what it has become today... look at Aaron 9.4... no dodge or duramax guy ever thought that would ever happen, we are here, we are here to play, and yet we have some of the most childish bull**** going on some times its ***ing retarded. It honestly made me kinda mad when joe posted that but i decided not to say anything, we all have are differences, but all joking aside, telling someone they should think outside the box after they spend big $$$ to develope a billet head... un ***ing real to me... unreal
? Yeah
Then I would have thought you should show A Little more self control. You now it is very poor judgment to respond the way you did.oke:
But now all joking aside. I work with people every day. When on the Job I give orders to guys under me. BUT If I would responed to them the way you just did, When they get my dander up. It would actuly make for worht attitudes AND I would lose the respect of the crew. (and myself for that matter LOL )
If you want people to respect your autharity then you have to show respect in turn, If you run fough shod over them you lose respect.
AND when you get mad at them and tell them of like that, then how do you exspect themto respect youe autharity. Exspecialy when you are no differant them then. other then the word BOSS on your hard head...eerr HAT..
My rant is over.
Sorry to muck up you thread bigrpower..
Tadd from Elite put that thought in my head about different materials from his last post. It wasn’t a "put down" on Empire. It was an honest thought and maybe it should be considered for a daily driver like Tadd said. It’s my fault I didn’t congratulate them on a job well done first. Congrats Empire, I hope they work well.
I have no idea WTF Empire is talking about, claiming I ripped designs and parts? Totally false! I'm a real busy guy at work, I have way too much to worry about then to machine diesel parts. It would be cool to see a head TP, but I was not serious I about wanting the geometry either.
P.S. Jeff D is still not faster than me!! Helllll noooo! Hahaha…..
I seriously want the best for everybody rocking a 6.4
this went downhill quick.
its all Taco loco's fault , been screwin off having fun . How was it buddy ? LOL
some nice billet valve covers would go nice with those heads:thumbsup: