So here's what I've come up with. The ebp sensor was fubar, could've been ran but my brother snapped it off. Went and got a new one and put it in, runs better than it did but it's still not 100%. Still spooling slowly: we've cleaned the map sensor port and checked the tube, it's all good. The only thing I haven't messed with yet is the intake air temp sensor. If that doesn't do it I'm pulling thr charger and cleaning and checking it. We ran a contribution test on the injectors and as each injector shut down it was a notable change in the sound of the truck. When we shut #1 down it made no difference. This would be a great indication of something wrong but the truck runs perfect, just slow on boost. It's not missing, hesitating, or doing anything out of the ordinary. Could an injector on its way out cause my boost issues? Seems like every time I go out and stand on it the boost drops to zero after I let out of it, and stays down till I kick down to passing gear or play with the throttle.