JP5 Jet Fuel...Advisable?


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Jul 3, 2011
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Des Moines, IA
If in theory, one had access to JP5 jet fuel, what would be the risks involved in running it in my 7.3. Also, would there be any "proper" way to use JP5 in my truck i.e a mixture, additive, ect.? Thanks!


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Jun 12, 2011
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I don't know very much about jet fuel but I think it is basicly like karosine. I remember talking to a mechanic that working on a lot of airport equipment and he said they were constinly replaceing injection pumps because they used it and there was nothing in it to lubricate the pumps and injectors.


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May 18, 2011
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I don't know very much about jet fuel but I think it is basicly like karosine. I remember talking to a mechanic that working on a lot of airport equipment and he said they were constinly replaceing injection pumps because they used it and there was nothing in it to lubricate the pumps and injectors.

This ^^^^

I absolutely wouldn't do it in any newer vehicle.

And if I was doin it in an older model, (IDI/12V) I'd probably dump a quart of 2 cycle in it for every 5 gallons and see where that got me.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Military vehicles run on it. They fill shti outta the same tank all the time. Put some bio in there at 10% and it'll be fine. Id also run ana additive that has corrosion inhibitors. Thats what is technically "missing" from jp5. Its not like ulsd isnt hard on **** that was designed for >500ppm diesel fuel. Ive replaced every friggin o-ring that diesel touches in the last five years.

I ran straight biomass during the summer and clogged two filters now I run b20 and its .80/gal cheaper so I dont mind the mileage penalty, which is negligible compared to the winter blend #t(petrol). Thats neither here nor there but Id run free jp5 if I could get a couple hundred gallons. Thats why im embracing bio because its got a bad rap and so its waaaay cheaper than reg #2.

To the op,, if you run this stuff indefinitely keep 5gal cans of bio on hand for fillups. Two for a.38gal tank should suffice. Bio is pretty damn slippery compared to ulsd.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Op, you're an e99.. No inj pump...let er instructed..

If you can "have" the stuff, id mix it 50/50 indefinitely. Or as instructed above.

If you arent comfortable with the idea of keeping bio around in containers or dumpin ten gal of bio in at the zervice station and the "topping off" with the jet then just pass on it. Obviously, make sure its not water_logged.


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May 19, 2011
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Rokwall, Tx
I used to run JP8 in my 6.9 I know they are a little different but it ran pretty good. When I was in service we had a lot if 5 gallon fuel can that were filled with it. One day they came out and said get rid of it properly. Well I was the only one with a diesel so I had free fuel for a few weeks. I also mixed it with diesel Kleen just in case.


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May 18, 2011
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Military vehicles run on it. They fill shti outta the same tank all the time. Put some bio in there at 10% and it'll be fine. Id also run ana additive that has corrosion inhibitors. Thats what is technically "missing" from jp5. Its not like ulsd isnt hard on **** that was designed for >500ppm diesel fuel. Ive replaced every friggin o-ring that diesel touches in the last five years.

Do this ^^^^ And rebuild your injectors once a year.

You ever get diesel all over your hands? Wash 'em off and you're good to go right?

Now do the same with any of the JP fuels. Your hands turn ashy and gray.

There is zero lubricity in JP fuel. Older military vehicles run like siht on JP fuels, it ruins every part of the diesel engine that it touches, injectors, injection pumps, etc... The newer military vehicles are modified to be able to run JP fuels, extensively.

This is a huge argument within the military itself, and in certain organizations you'll see about half the equipment with 2" block letters over the fuel fill stating "Diesel only" because the motor SGT is sick and tired of fixing them because Joe is burning them up on JP fuel.

If you want to do it to your own truck, go right ahead.

But JP and ULSD are two different fuels, and you're gonna tear a diesel up running it.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Do this ^^^^ And rebuild your injectors once a year.

You ever get diesel all over your hands? Wash 'em off and you're good to go right?

Now do the same with any of the JP fuels. Your hands turn ashy and gray.

There is zero lubricity in JP fuel. Older military vehicles run like siht on JP fuels, it ruins every part of the diesel engine that it touches, injectors, injection pumps, etc... The newer military vehicles are modified to be able to run JP fuels, extensively.

This is a huge argument within the military itself, and in certain organizations you'll see about half the equipment with 2" block letters over the fuel fill stating "Diesel only" because the motor SGT is sick and tired of fixing them because Joe is burning them up on JP fuel.

If you want to do it to your own truck, go right ahead.

He asked about jp5. Ive used that but not jp8 or 4. The 5 didnt feel any different than kero to me. That says 8 is for use as a diesel fuel replacement. I know its wiki but it seems logicsl to me. I explained the caveats in one of my previous posts. Only thing I posted I feel may have been wrong is where I said jp5 doesnt have corrosion inhibitors, cuz this says it does.

What I suggested is in keeping with what Ive been told and done, yet ive never had an issue with it. The only thing ive had trouble with is ulsd eating or drying fuel line rubber that was primed with >500ppm diesel.

Fwiw, bio beat many additives for increasing lubrucity in diesel fuel in small quantities.


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May 18, 2011
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SE st. louis
i'll tell you what ill bring a 500 gal tank up to you you fill it up and i'll get rid of it for you once a month no questions asked


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May 22, 2011
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In A House
Thanks for the input everyone. Sounds like I should at least do some more research before it's an option. Much appreciated. O_~

Read the msds on it and let me know what you think....ingredient wise. Now, think about what that main ingredient does to dirty parts, o-rings and seals. We know someone who ran it on his OBS and didn't have issues. Stanadyne makes a lubricity formula to be added to JP fuels. If you are trying to save money ive got some ideas. I will be back on Friday.

thunderin jimmy

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Jul 4, 2011
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Mesa, AZ
i run it with no problems. i just dump some 2 cycle oil in the tank as i'm filling it up. Never had an issue. I know another guy who ran it and mixed kerosene with it. truck smoked white all the time like a cold 7.3 but never ruined anything. UPS runs kerosene in their trucks in the winter because it doesn't gel up in the cold weather.

The way I see it, with the price of gas, you can't go wrong. If you are paranoid, just mix it half and half with diesel #2. You will still be saving a ton of money.

TANK'S 250

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May 18, 2011
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Belle Chasse, LA
Do not put engine oil in it.....EVER.....engine oil isn't made to leaves deposits.

I cannot confirm nor deny that I know a guy who ran Jet fuel for a few years...

....all he did was mix 2oz of Walmart Supertech ASHLESS TC-W3 (2 cycle oil), per issues.

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Jan 8, 2012
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FAA makes for a lot of sumped jet fuel across the nation LOL. I use it on occasion ....... I mix one gallon marvel mystery oil per 55 gallon drum. Runs fine and lubricates injectors.

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