Smokin 6.0
Yes they are flat.
Update on what's left. All prices are OBO. Taking offers on parts or shoot me a price for all of it
1 - Flywheel (7.3) - $150
1- Set of E99 up-pipes - $ 40
1 - Exhaust up-pipes Y's - 30/ea
2 - Sets of rocker arms (7.3) - $40/ea
2 - Sets of Pushrods (7.3) - $30/ea
1- Turbo Pedestal -E99 - $ 80
1- Turbo Pedestal - 2002 - $80
1 - Set of valve covers - $50
1 - Set E-99 intake manifolds - $40
1 - Set motor mounts (2002) - $60
1 - Vaccum pump - $60
1 - ABS Module - $100
2 - Fuse box - $100
1 - Security Module (2001) - $45
1 - VSM (2002) - $45
1 - A/C compressor - $85
1 - Power steering pump - $75
1 - alternator - $60
2 - HPOP resivors - $25/ea