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  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread ‘10 6.4 rebuild.
    As powerstroke cowboy said, that’s definitely a single. Being a 63mm, do you know the turbine housing size/turbine wheel size? 63 seems...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread ‘10 6.4 rebuild.
    Little bit of white smoke with it being cold isn’t really anything to worry about. If it looks like you’re fogging for mosquitoes or...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread ‘10 6.4 rebuild.
    Stock fuel refers to stock injectors/hi pressure pump. Personally, I’d delip the pistons, helps reduce the chances of cracking...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread ‘10 6.4 rebuild.
    ^whs I couldn’t have said it better myself. Our test truck is a 2010 Harley 6.4, and with dual k16s, 100% injectors, and our 59/80 drop...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    Php’s library is only for stock injector stuff Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    Personally, I really like jelibuilt tunes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    You’re gonna have all sorts of oddball shit happen with air in the oil, long cranks, random misfires, etc. gonna have to get it out and...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    Yeah, that’s probably right, can’t say I’ve ever had to actually test it, so not sure. Must’ve missed where you tested that, my bad. If...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    Check voltage on the center pin of the valve cover gasket connector. Should be around 120v. Should be able to do this with the truck...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    For a quick test not o ringing the injectors would be fine, as long as there aren’t any that are damaged. I wouldn’t run them for much...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    I doubt it’s compression, it would be very odd to have an entire bank so far down on compression that they won’t fire. Also, if it were...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    In theory a buzz would indicate that it’s working. However there is something that buzzes during the test that is not the injectors...
  • 6.0 Tech
    6.0 Tech replied to the thread Ford 7.3 Passenger Bank Dead.
    Check power on the engine harness to that bank. Believe it’s the center pin at the valve cover gasket. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • 6.0 Tech
    I didn’t see as many with 11–12 trucks due to them actually having a gasket. Granted the common issues seem to vary depending on where...
  • 6.0 Tech
    June of 2010 is definitely in the build date for the issue. Unless it has had an engine put in it already, I would pass on it...

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