Recent content by Barnbuilder

  1. B

    Part # help

    Gasket F75Z-9417-BB Nut F75Z-9A307-AB
  2. B

    2013+ steering gearbox in older trucks

    Yes I think its $1100 now. What did you use for fluid?
  3. B

    2013+ steering gearbox in older trucks

    Did anyone install in 99-04? I blew another powersteering hose. Think I'm going to order the Lee Powersteering Conversion.
  4. B

    Part # help

    Got it thanks
  5. B

    Part # help

    Anyone have part #s for the large plastic nut and o-ring on top of the fuel tank? I'm not very confident in the parts suppliers.
  6. B

    1995 F-Superduty 4x4

    Nice truck! Congratulations!
  7. B

    238/80's smoking on cold start

    Mine is an AWA3. I put AC injectors in and it smokes like a train when it get cold out. Smells like unburnt diesel and don't walk through the cloud or you'll reek the rest of the day.
  8. B

    Gooseneck Backup Camera Set up?

    This ever go anywhere?
  9. B

    ZF6 -650 rebuild and other things I've done on my early 99 7.3 F350

    Put the oilite bushing in mine several months ago. Also rebuilt clutch pedal with oilite bushings.
  10. B

    2011 f350 4x4 not engaging!

    Mine did that. Was the shift actuator on the back of the coolant tank. Got one of Ebay I think for $20.
  11. B

    Modified AIS filter vs Donaldson blue "6637"

    People were using a beer koozie as a way to seal the opening from the box to the fender. Hence the name Koozie mod. I need to replace my AIS filter and trying to decide to just replace it or gut all of it and throw in the Donaldson filter also. Tired of spending money on this thing.
  12. B

    Gooseneck Backup Camera Set up?

    Post up how it works. Would line to do the same on my '15.
  13. B

    ZF6 went Boom!

    need some new tunes also.
  14. B

    ZF6 went Boom!

    Well got it together today and just got home from inspection. Windshield has a leak. Rear window has a leak from installing the later model window without a gasket. Couple other items to work on. Hate to but might be time to go byebye.
  15. B

    Engine shake

    Lost a nozzle on injector?

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