Recent content by PSDJunky

  1. PSDJunky

    Weird code issue.

    Are you getting it at idle or WOT & does the truck have a HP fuel pump disaster prevention kit installed? If, in order, you answer no, yes, yes, I've heard it's a known issue for some folks, depending on whose tunes your truck has & maybe a couple other variables. You're over my head if it's...
  2. PSDJunky

    Return to stock and def fluid qustions

    Idk for sure about the DEF. But, I'd expect it to be crystallized, especially in the lines. You could see if you could blow through em... maybe... if you've ever done that with a sealed gasser fuel filter, same principle. Surely there's something you could use with compressed air to clean em...
  3. PSDJunky

    F-250 upgreades

    Yeah linconlocker, I know you're just trying to be careful. [emoji41][emoji1303] I don't think they have to deal with all the crap we do.
  4. PSDJunky

    F-250 upgreades

  5. PSDJunky

    F-250 upgreades

    You're gonna want Proven or maybe CTT, both up in Canada.
  6. PSDJunky

    Emission laws and what's going on?!

    So, what's new is that we used to have the option to select or agree to "off-road use" & that's no longer allowed. But, look to Canada for your weight loss programs, if you so choose. I suspect emissions-on tuning could get okay, especially if the fuggin EPA loosens their parameter...
  7. PSDJunky

    CP4 High pressure pump disaster prevention kit

    ^ [emoji1376] --------------------‐-------------------------------- OP, I used to be really worried about stuff like that when I got my first PSD. But, think of what they're designed for. They need to been worked at least somewhat. You basically want to do all your maintenance at the correct...
  8. PSDJunky

    Warren 55% DIY stroker pump

  9. PSDJunky

    Quick Wheel and tire question

    Heck yeah man, glad it wasn't just too much info for ya. That's cool that your current config is good. Hope the sites help ya find the right setup.
  10. PSDJunky

    Sct Livewire with pip tunes loaded

    Yeah, I haven't heard much good about PPEI. I had a guy complain to me about his tunes from them this past January & have read about trans issues with their tunes. I don't want to crap talk, but I'm personally steering clear of them... since there's so many others, exactly. They may be better...
  11. PSDJunky

    Sct Livewire with pip tunes loaded

    [emoji2357] I reckon that should've crossed my mind and been mentioned. Good lookin out
  12. PSDJunky

    Quick Wheel and tire question

    Pretty sure that tire is too wide for those wheels, for safe bead sealing reasons. I think I just looked at tire charts &/or tire website listings to see what size each one was compatible with. I also did a couple weeks of measuring, calculating, comparing, & contemplating. That's me though...
  13. PSDJunky

    Sct Livewire with pip tunes loaded

    Personally, I would start fresh and with a dependable company & run what I'm running now, which is an EzLynk with GDP (EzLynk originators) tunes & be del'd. There's also other companies like Chaos (have heard a lot of good about them for a while now) & PPEI (used to hear complaints about their...
  14. PSDJunky

    Is this tune or transmission related?

    Good luck!
  15. PSDJunky

    Is this tune or transmission related?

    That's what I was gonna say... sounds like bad tuning fried the TC, maybe

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