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  1. Derkperk

    IDP Agressive street tune ?

    Send him an email with tune tweak in the subject and describe what it's doing. That flare will kill your trans.
  2. Derkperk

    2014 DPC bs thread

    Link for the pulls
  3. Derkperk

    Custom Seating for 8!

    That's pretty sweet but for 160 G's, wow.
  4. Derkperk

    color change...photoshop request.

    There is a which gmc around here that has the top of the cab, including the hood black with the lower body at the bed rail white. It looks really sharp with the dark windows.
  5. Derkperk

    Eco tunes for unladen long distance highway mpg's

    Oh for sure. I get the mileage difference between the 2 engines but guessing the hot tune theory is the same.
  6. Derkperk

    Eco tunes for unladen long distance highway mpg's

    What do you mean? I can see 30 on there too?? LOL If you are cruising highways, you should be locked up and making minimal boost. The best results I have found is my hottest tune. My extreme x from Eric will get me 18-18.5, hand calc, doing 75. Just go easy on the on ramps. This is with my 6.0...
  7. Derkperk

    2004 High Delta's

  8. Derkperk

    Transmission mount

    I've bought a lot of stuff from autonation, formerly Tousley ford. They are local to me and have great prices. Be sure to mention internet pricing if you call.
  9. Derkperk

    What would cause this?

    I have seen sidewalks bulge like that but not the bead. Looks like the cords were broken when mounting. It makes me curious as it is on the inside of the wheel. You should be able to jump that truck with 37's let alone hit a curb.
  10. Derkperk

    Transmission mount

    Is there a pick your part junk yard around? That might be your best bet for price/quality.
  11. Derkperk

    Dyno advice

    Famous last words.
  12. Derkperk

    Support for Large Conventional Injectors!

    Ooooh. Saweeeet! Saving my pennies today.
  13. Derkperk

    2004 High Delta's

    After a day of cool down, compare the ECT and EOT temp readings. If they are the same, sensors are good. Before checking your TD, be sure the truck is good and warmed up and you are driving easy, flat road at 60mph.
  14. Derkperk

    My 2006 project NIGHTLIGHT

    I'm thinking what you're thinking :morons:
  15. Derkperk

    chrome rock guard removal

    I've never heard of an eraser wheel. I have had good luck with the 3m adhesive remover. White spray can red lettering.
  16. Derkperk

    Revs/mile and speedo correction

    Mine defaults as well. I have my revs written on the back of it. I don't see what would matter as long as you speedo is correct which is then keeping your odometer correct. Then the truck will know how fast it is going to make the proper shifts. I can't tell you how it works bit I think that's...
  17. Derkperk

    5R110 repeat direct failure

    1-2;2-3;3-5;5-6. Hey Mark. What are your thoughts on the modified direct drive solenoid?
  18. Derkperk

    Revs/mile and speedo correction

    Don't get so stuck on your actual tire size. If your speedo is reading lower than your actual speed, decrease your revs per mile or vise versa until you get it right on according to the gps.

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