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  1. Arisley

    No freaking way

    Well, every time I saw Mike, he threatened to cut my salary in half. And then fire me. Actually, I have been a mod for him for a long time, since pretty early in the PSN days. I was actually going through withdrawal with no forum.
  2. Arisley

    No freaking way

    Took a while, site would not let me on. Said "Oops, something went wrong" Finally was able to log on a couple days ago.
  3. Arisley

    Pitted cylinders

    You are putting new cam bearings in, right.
  4. Arisley

    Gauge cluster inop

    Check relays, there is a row of them on the lower edge of the firewall behind the radio. Royal PITA to get to.
  5. Arisley

    Introducing me and my money pit

    Look for oil in the valley. Rear mains hardly ever leak on these trucks. Usually can me traced to a leak in the valley that runs down the drain hole and exits the truck between the motor and trans. Can play hell with the clutch on a manual shift truck.
  6. Arisley

    Best brand of Rear Main Seal to buy

    Try RiffRaff Diesel:
  7. Arisley

    Best brand of Rear Main Seal to buy

    Good choice.
  8. Arisley

    Best brand of Rear Main Seal to buy

    I agree. However, the rear main seals on 7.3's have been know to last the entire life of the motor. On the other hand, I grew up with the belief of if you lay eyes on a rear main seal, replace it.
  9. Arisley


    I am not retired, yet. Eighteen more months.
  10. Arisley

    7.3 Rough, choppy idle after warming up

    From the page that lists all of the threads in this section, you click on the box that says new topic. Name it, and carry on. Scammers can join and start a new thread in ten seconds, we don't have a minimum post to start a thread.
  11. Arisley

    Clearing oil from cylinders after injector R&R

    How are you going to dislodge an injector cup? Injectors are in and bolted down. As far as not completely clearing the cylinder, it will clear out enough so that you do not have to worry about hydrolock. Fist or second time the cylinder fires, I promise you, there will be no more oil in the...
  12. Arisley

    HPOP Pump Failure

    I would throw an Adrenaline pump from The Dieselsite on there and keep an eye on HPOP pressure for awhile.
  13. Arisley

    Current/active sponsors

    I am still here also.
  14. Arisley

    7.3 Intermittent Cutting Out

    I would take the chip harness out and spend the time and make a quality harness repair. Glad you found the issue though.
  15. Arisley

    Heavy Goop under the Valve Covers

    Usually, but not always.
  16. Arisley

    7.3 crank no start no smoke

    Does it have a chip. If so, pull the chip. Also, 2000 PSI HPO with or with ICP sensor plugged in usually means the ICP sensor is bad. What is battery voltage while cranking?
  17. Arisley

    Hard cutoff on 2002 when jarred / jolted

    Also check the tin nut on the IPR, make sure it is tight.
  18. Arisley

    7.3 no start

    12.5 volts is low. How old are the batteries.
  19. Arisley

    dieselsite head studs

    If Dieselsite sells it, you can depend on it.
  20. Arisley

    Cheap Amazon IPR

    Actually, International makes them, Ford buys and rebrands them.

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