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  1. hawgdoctor

    Emissions in va?

    What year truck? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  2. hawgdoctor

    WTT T4 68mm charger for GTP38R

    As am I. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  3. hawgdoctor

    6.4 converter always locked up

    What's your location? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  4. hawgdoctor

    T4 and tq converter stall

    Our kit is 700, and depending on your injectors you could run either the 62/68, or 64.5/68 sxe with the 83 housing. Both are fmw wheels with the 360° thrust right out if the box. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. hawgdoctor

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Hope everyone is having a great day. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. hawgdoctor

    WTT T4 68mm charger for GTP38R

    Ill grab some for ya in the am, but looks totally factory.
  7. hawgdoctor

    WTT T4 68mm charger for GTP38R

    Have a barder 66 on mine with bellowed up pipes. Does have the 1.15 housing though. Any interest in trading for this?
  8. hawgdoctor

    Machining pistons??? valve reliefs and delip

    If you're gonna dd it, and not push it you would be fine. We just got the shop truck broke in with almost the same setup, but we don't play nice with it. She gets beat pretty hard, and dailied. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  9. hawgdoctor

    Machining pistons??? valve reliefs and delip

    The stg 2 has just a touch more lift, and duration. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  10. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    I build my own t4 kits, but the down pipes I've always built on the fly so to speak so I don't have fitment issues. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  11. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    I will be changing mine to T4 shortly, but that's to get everything out of my setup. The barder was my best option when I put this truck on the road. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    You could run either. I kick myself in the ass now for not doing the gated 1.0. Did the 1.15 to try and help control BP with the 200 nozzles on mine. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    I would just do the barder if it was me. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    I would do the .91 housing if you're gonna use it. Have one here if ta need it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. hawgdoctor

    Exhaust housing size

    No, the .83 is a t4 housing, but way tight for a 7.3. Either need the .91 or 1.0 depending on fueling. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  16. hawgdoctor

    need up pipes, input on a wallet friendly pair

    No, I rebuild them all the time. The pipes aren't the issue. It's the ****ty ass bellows they use. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. hawgdoctor

    WTB: S366 and T-4 Mount kit

    Can fix you up with the whole set-up built in house for 1600.
  18. hawgdoctor

    Captian Murica Build

    Could always set you up with a quad clutch mike.
  19. hawgdoctor

    WTB 6.0 T4 Kit

    Pm me.
  20. hawgdoctor

    7.3 rebuild kit?

    Can get them also. 1100 shipped.

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