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  1. bruce

    New Toy

    PIS 200/80's
  2. bruce

    What to do next?

    Some injectors so you can blow the rods out of it
  3. bruce

    turbo options on e99?

    I'd put a ww2 and run it before I went to a d66. But the best would be to go the T4 route with an s362
  4. bruce

    Dyno day!!!

    some 80-100% nozzles and an urgraded hpop and you'd be up over 425 easily
  5. bruce

    Looking for my 1st powerstroke

    What's your budget?
  6. bruce

    2wd to 4wd conversion

  7. bruce

    400/400 daily driver

    Those are 160/30 prices. Nate's are 1575 with 600 core, Tim's are 1595 with 800 dollar core.
  8. bruce

    400/400 daily driver

    Pretty much everyone charges the core charge up front, that's the only way they can get them back. If they don't get them back they can't build anymore.
  9. bruce

    400/400 daily driver

    Should have clicked the link and read then. Yes that price is for 160/30's made from new AC injectors.
  10. bruce

    International HO injectors

    if you put an 80-100% nozzle on an ac code you essentially have a "stage 2" injector. AC injector is 160cc single shot injector
  11. bruce

    PMF "Fabricated Unitized Floating Traction Block"

    I'd be too embarassed to even admit I post over there. I check the classifieds about once a week. Y'all can chat up muffler delete, zoodad, e-fuel, stage ones, and changing hpop oil over there to y'alls hearts desires. It's a good place for old man dave to brag about 400 horse with a stock...
  12. bruce

    PMF "Fabricated Unitized Floating Traction Block"

    I can't believe he got banned over there, that should bring that sight down to about 5 active members. They should just text each other instead of postin the stupid sh1t they post. That phaggot brett don't know sh1t but how to sign the check, cary built that truck. LOL kids.
  13. bruce

    400/400 daily driver

    You mean "sur ou à proximité"
  14. bruce

    Going from stock AA injectors to AB injectors

    If it will start then I would just keep the aa's in there. Injector builders are always looking for cores, they might give you a couple hundred off a set if you send in both.
  15. bruce

    Competition 7.3 engine build ForSale

    Nice price, nice engine, glws
  16. bruce

    washington emission testing waivers

    When I was stationed at JBLM in pierce county I had to do emissions with an 01. It was an opacity test. I had a stack, no muffler, stage 2 inj, 38r, reg return amongst other things and I passed.
  17. bruce

    looking for engine specialist. GO!

    I believe Carson did isootmypants engine and he lives in New Jersey
  18. bruce

    6.7 fuel pump on 7.3.

    I'm glad you posted that pic, really clears up the fuel pump situation.
  19. bruce

    looking for engine specialist. GO!

    Swamps, Carson Stauffer, unlimited
  20. bruce

    What vendor has best price on 238/100 inj!

    Do you have another long block? What are you gonna do for air?

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