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  1. bruce

    4r100 upgrades????

    6.0 cooler is a beast, I'd skip the pan as well. Transgo tugger kit is pretty popular or you could just buy a bts or John woods valve body.
  2. bruce

    Building compounds

    Hell it takes longer to look up the sn list and the engine serial numbered than it does to just pull the plug
  3. bruce

    Building compounds

    An s362 with an s480 would be pretty cool but no way I'd mess with a stock turbo.
  4. bruce

    6637 installation

    If you have to ask, I doubt you can do it. Definitely take it to a shop
  5. bruce

    2003 Kodiak 4500

    does it run?
  6. bruce

    New 6.7 Powerstroke Owner

    I was stationed out at lewis, been around Puyallup quite a bit. The coffee stands out there are way better than anywhere in the country
  7. bruce

    Programmer question

    Are you trying to buy the worst options possible? Is this opposite day or something?
  8. bruce

    New 7.3 owner from Ontario, Canada

    Dang I see race car and Ontario I always hope its a dirt modified
  9. bruce

    Performance Injector Install Video

    People let you work on their stuff? They must be quadriplegic's
  10. bruce

    Programmer question

    You're right, there are tons of threads on tunes, try reading a few and making a decision.
  11. bruce

    Harmonic balancer

    Is that due to design change? what if you have an older one?
  12. bruce

    Water pump install

    A billet thermostat housing is well worth it IMO.
  13. bruce

    Harmonic balancer

  14. bruce

    ISO 19.5's

    19.5's either 6 or 6.75, (6.75 preferably) for 8x200mm, preferably steel. Thanks.
  15. bruce


    So the truck runs off farts? Awesome
  16. bruce

    2011 F-350 $22k BOOBS

    So whats the current price?
  17. bruce

    Live tuning in the PNW?

    If you need live tuning to dial in 30% nozzles you need to find a new tuner
  18. bruce

    Best lift kit?

    long shackles, made out of angle iron
  19. bruce

    Edge programmer

    Throw it away and get a chip with decent tunes
  20. bruce

    Need a new turbo

    S480 should work

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