Myself and Phil live a few miles from the track. I will be out drinking like every Friday night but Phil's mom probably won't let him go out. Hit me up when you get in town if you get bored.
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WHS! I don't think anyone timed it to be exactly 5 sec but it's close. When I do it I click it once and wait until "Traction control off" goes off the screen then press and hold it for 5-8-10 sec and you should see "Advanced traction control off."
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I think I will have him beat. By 2015 , when I'll probably trade in on the upgraded SD, it should only have around 20k-25k.
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I'm down with that but I'm not down with 15hrs to NC. Unless you want to fly in which case I have yard work for your broke a$$ to do lol
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