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  1. mandkole

    2001 7.3 wont start when cold

    Could be.. you're bleeding hpo. Pull the VCs, put a hand pump on each rail. Or, disable the injectors and crank the motor. This poor mans way to pump oil and perhaps you can see bleeding past the top oring or past the poppets.
  2. mandkole

    175/80 idle haze

    4-5? Months ago
  3. mandkole

    175/80 idle haze

    Yep, PIS got good reviews by many. After Tim left, I've coincidentally heard nothing but complaint. I was planning to send mine there but don't know what I'll do.
  4. mandkole

    175/80 idle haze

    Haze only at cold start? It goes away when warm? As said, the larger nozzles will take work to de-haze at cold idle. The idle getting choppier when warm is often the injs coming out of balance as the oil sides get leaky (with thin oil). Is the idle better in gear?
  5. mandkole

    700 hp goal build

    Yeah, lotta fake news out there. Strong journalism ftw.
  6. mandkole

    Irate e-fuel

    For the obs just do the single stock Bosch. I wouldn't get involved w aftermarket pumps on an obs upgrade.
  7. mandkole

    Trans temps w/ pi converter?

    In my case, and noting I have a 7.3, my converter was older and a real hodgepodge of junk. It wasn't a triple disk, more like 2.5 with a dodge stator and some goofy other parts. It had been drifting for awhile as well, so the clutch was hammered. When the trans was freshened, we spent time on...
  8. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    I got this mouse in my pail, eh.. does that mean I get a free pail?
  9. mandkole

    Trans temps w/ pi converter?

    The post was a poke given the weight you're managing, but I was glad to get rid of my PI. Did your buddy's converter lock more during the pull? Have you monitored input and output speeds for slip?
  10. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    Ive got no doubt that it's good product, but I'm not an 'oil' guy. Im curious about any cold start improvements that may come over time. I need to replace the starter, so any challenges I have are not oil related.
  11. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    Got the 8700 in -- the only observation that I had was that the oil 'seemed' more viscous compared to the delo. Handling the pail is more of a pia, but I dig the new 5 qt transfer/pour jug. No noticeable change in icp, sound or tone of the motor. ( I run a little more icp at idle so the injs...
  12. mandkole

    160/0% injectors, which supporting mods?

    No CELs here...
  13. mandkole

    Trans temps w/ pi converter?

    20k trailer pulling El Cajon ? It sounds like the truck and trans is fine, but rather it's way overloaded and beyond supported power level for cooling capacity. Get an f550, leave it stock and temps will be fine.
  14. mandkole

    swapping a single injector

    Sure, swap the injector and crank with the injs turned off, gp out. Put the valve cover on before cranking..
  15. mandkole


    I would agree with this... a good lead acid battery. Deka is actually the brand name of East Penn Mfg. EPM private-brand labels a lot of batteries, but this is a very well run private company that is focused on high quality products.
  16. mandkole

    Unknown Gas Cap, Lost

    That looks like a 1/4 turn cam lock style.. check this out
  17. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    Oil d bags, lol.. definitely need to draw the line there haha! Yeah, my cold starts are getting worse as the starter gets another year older. I've got to remember to do that crap when it's nice out.
  18. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    there was a blue bucket of 8700 sittin on the porch this afternoon...:thumbsup:
  19. mandkole

    160/0% injectors, which supporting mods?

    I did 335 on ACs, edge evo, stock fuel/turbo, a 17 pump 10 yrs ago. Kept it fairly cool and towed 9k on 4.10s and 5spd. I'd do 160/30s and the e fuel . Get your fuel with as little pw as possible-- as you have to stroke those 160/0s pretty hard (4ms+) to get the fuel out of them. Stock turbo...
  20. mandkole

    Why does my 7.3 rattle sound so different using LE oil

    Ok, you got my text... pls send one of those my way lol

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