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  1. mandkole

    What have you done to your powerstroke today?

    Damn, that's scary dude.. glad all will be ok. Happens just that fast. Try to enjoy the holiday!
  2. mandkole

    Video of my higher RPM miss

    Had a bad cps behave just like that.
  3. mandkole

    Missing and loss of power. 01 f250 automatic

    Id just find a good stock one. Could call swamps to check on options.
  4. mandkole

    Dual IPR block. Need help

    Oh man, so sorry to read this .. prayers to you and your family.
  5. mandkole

    4r100 won't put power to the ground

    Is the shifter light blinking? Pull the codes. TC, pressure leak, TCC valve, etc
  6. mandkole

    White smoke issue, cant figure it out.

    When power hungry live tuned mine years ago, they had to elevate the icp at idle to reduce haze. It idles at 775-800 psi all the time and is a little louder. It's commonly said that 100s don't have as good of resolution as the 80s. Hot haze is never an issue for me, but they are when cold...
  7. mandkole

    How are you guys doing your crank case vent?

    Look at the posts on putting the draft tube into the exhaust pipe.
  8. mandkole

    2000 7.3 torque converter locking unlocking

    10-4.. does it stay cool when locked? It will stay command locked on a ground switch, but doesn't necessarily mean it's happy.
  9. mandkole

    2000 7.3 torque converter locking unlocking

    Can you command lock and keep it locked? You also should put a scanner on to verify if the converter clutches are slipping while locked. If it is, it will command unlock. I chased this troubleshooting path until pulling the trans and replacing the converter.
  10. mandkole

    Steel Washers?

    If you're sure they are from the exterior, I'd suggest the lifting brackets.
  11. mandkole

    Steel Washers?

    If you're sure they are from the exterior, I'd suggest the lifting brackets.
  12. mandkole

    Transmission gushing fluid.

    ^^WHS-- yep, it got real hot. If it's getting that hot, it needs to come out anyway. You should run cool with a stock 6.0 cooler, a good converter, and good converter control valving.
  13. mandkole

    Dual Terminator HPOP low oil pressure issue

    You have a mechanical gauge on the lube oil pressure? Should have 45-50 hot @ 2000-2500 on the reservoir.
  14. mandkole

    White smoke issue, cant figure it out.

    Do the new injs act the same way? Hazes when hot, or just cold? Mine has had some cold haze forever but also doesn't have an accurate eot sensor below 80f (I've wondered if it's not advancing enough when cold to kill the haze). Don't know if related, one of these days I'll take the time to...
  15. mandkole

    White smoke issue, cant figure it out.

    Does it on all of the files? As said it's likely a timing issue. Does the eot reflect accurate air temp on cold start? New CPS? Good fuel pressure?
  16. mandkole

    Wheel and tire setup for 97 dually

    ^^^ beat me to it lol
  17. mandkole

    Dragging brake issue. Not slide pins

    The master does not divide right/left. Only front and back. I'd check for any plumbing issues at those corners.
  18. mandkole

    OBS white smoke issue

    I'd throw a new fuel pump on and service everything .. it could be dead.
  19. mandkole

    Well I did it

    I'm jelly man, congrats! For the 3500mi I drive it each year, I'm stuck with the 7.3.
  20. mandkole

    SXE education request

    Haha, use good lube, good cover, cross fingers!

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