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  1. mandkole

    No HPOP pressure

    Two bad pumps makes no sense.. bear with me. You've got ipr function with 12v? You can hear/feel it work when powered? You've said the gear is tight but is it being driven?
  2. mandkole

    Fueling Small Hybrids

    Tell us a bit more about the truck-- any tuning, miles, etc? I ask because 2300 on stock tuning is a tad weak but isn't completely out of range. I ran 2500 on stock tuning with tired injs, 15* pump, good orings. As said a larger inj like a stg2 needs good oil and fuel supply for best...
  3. mandkole

    I love my 99 F-350 but Ford sucks.

    ^^as said--old trucks regardless of mfgr. Factory exhaust parts (especially) with every fixtured hanger and factory located part leave stock once it runs out-- being in the business, most suppliers are only obligated to keep replacements around for 10 yrs or so. Lots of will fit replacements...
  4. mandkole

    Low oil pressure on new rebuilt motor

    This is depressing.. ugh I would be sure to compare the pressure at the reservoir and from the plug between the oil filter and the cooler. The noise could be a rubbing/bad fit pump.
  5. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    Agreed. not using it much takes a toll. Ive been wondering if the batts have good reserve power left during cranking. Gonna keep it on the maintenance charger now.
  6. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    As a quick update, got the truck out yesterday and had good starts all day after being on charger. I've been concerned with the batts (they're 5 yrs old now) and seem to drop voltage fast (12.2v after a couple days sitting). I never see more than 11.0-11.2v when the plugs and pump are running...
  7. mandkole

    Black Magnum 2.0 assembly

    Yeah, you were in the barrel for awhile.. nice work.
  8. mandkole

    Low power issues

    Was yours converted to manual, or you have a replaced pcm for an auto? The pcm should run the single shot injs on split shot tuning. Mine has pedal sensitivity and poor fuel command but it idles/runs better than expected.
  9. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    The chip has been very secure and no issues with coming out.
  10. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    What would happen if I attempted a start on a chip without a switch plugged in? I was hoping to recreate a failed start, but if it's not safe I won't go there.
  11. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    Oh, that's a good question-- have no idea. Wouldn't know how to check. The chip has been in the truck for at least 10 yrs..
  12. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    I'd assume so? How else could they get on the chip?
  13. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    Yep, it's good as is icp
  14. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    Yeah, I looked at that stuff before. The issue is more predictable when colder and after the batts have sat longer. A good charge seems to help but doesn't prevent. The thing I always come back to is the great starts when the chip is unplugged. I was wondering if the j3 was more sensitive to...
  15. mandkole

    Continued chip/pcm issues

    Does anyone know exactly how the J3 port on the pcm interacts w the pcm? I need to get more serious on figuring this out. Still hassling with random (usually cold) poor starts--either a heavy romping or a heavily late timing/smoke show like the whisper tune that's on the chip. Got good clean...
  16. mandkole

    alternator replacement

    Sounds good gents, thanks!
  17. mandkole

    alternator replacement

    I saw those.. being local is nice for warranty work. I'm likely gonna go with a new delco replacement. Will get it going after the parts show up.
  18. mandkole

    alternator replacement

    The alternator finally kicked the bucket on the way home today--power in but nothing on the charge post and its chirping. Whats everyone having good luck with?
  19. mandkole

    Inconsistent shifting

    Are you sure the SCT is uninstalled? The electronic line rise of a tuner on top of a valve body mod could cause all kinds of part/light throttle issues. You should tune the trans with either electric or mechanical but not both. My accumulator spring failure experience also had delayed shift/...
  20. mandkole

    Inconsistent shifting

    Does it tend to hold in gear or does it upshift on time? As said, it could have some line riser or valve body mods. With 240k and unknown when it was worked on last, you likely need to have the pan dropped and look around.

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