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  1. Atsah

    Cold weather prep?

    Brad, we are not talking about starting your truck at -60F in Siberia.. I put 8 ounces of Motorcraft Performance additive in every tank in both my 6.0's and I NEVER gelled in either truck.. I started and drove them daily in 0 F daytime highs and started them plugged in at -25 to -30F am temps...
  2. Atsah

    6.0 running great!

    I don't know what other forums you go on but this one is a little different.. There are lots of guys here that go out of there way for others at the drop of a hat, lots of people here know each other and have known each other for a long time, the list of members here is in my opinion a good...
  3. Atsah

    6.0 running great!

    Considering a gas engine with good maintenance will last at least 200,000 miles, a diesel engine with good maintenance should last at least double that.. Get back to us when you have enough miles to talk about..
  4. Atsah

    6.0 running great!

    If you were looking for anything other than the truth about the subject you are on the wrong forum, your not going to get a bunch of BS on this Forum just because it's a Ford forum and we are talking about a Ford product, all manufactures make good things and bad things, the 6.0 was a bad one...
  5. Atsah

    6.0 running great!

    I see no reason for anyone that knows how to wrench and has a bunch of cash to throw around and doesn't mind putting up with all the nonsense that the 6.0 is sure to provide to buy one but to consider driving a 6.0 17K miles and one year of trouble free service to be outstanding service is a...
  6. Atsah

    6.0 running great!

    I think I got one of my 6.0's to run good for 17K Mike but, the rest of the combined 200K really sucked.. OP there are some lucky people that run there stock 6.0's in the perfect enviroments without issuses but compared to the build numbers, there are none to talk about.. Of course there are...
  7. Atsah

    Cold weather prep? Those temps are warm to me..
  8. Atsah

    Cold weather prep?

    If you use an anitgel in every tank, have good working batteries, a good working GP circuit you should not have a problem.. If you do need and use 911 at anytime, replace your fuel filter, it will have allready crystalised.. Use 911 only when the truck is allready gelled, it burns to hot to use...
  9. Atsah

    Stock or not?

    Consider yourself lucky you didn't make the mistake of your first diesel purchase being a 6.0, many do and it normally doesn't turn out well.. For a new to deisel guy, your 7.3 purchase was a good move, you will get it worked out, it's a pretty simple reliable platform..
  10. Atsah

    Stock or not?

    Brad hasn't argued with anyone that didn't start sh!t first.. From what I read of his posts, he is about the easiest going guy on here.. Brad, I would suggest in the future when you need oil changes, fuel filter changes etc, stop by the dealer and have it done, it's not that much more money...
  11. Atsah

    Stock or not?

  12. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    Sounds to be a very strange problem, allthough I have an even better one for you.. My cousin has a new Tundra, they have a canister that goes over the filter, you have to take down the skid plate to change the oil, PITA, he changed the oil three times, all within a three days with 7 quarts of...
  13. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    That's to far for an oil filter...LOL
  14. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    I am closer to Canada than most towns in Maine Dom..
  15. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    What town are you in?
  16. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    Lets put an end to this question.. Skip to 1:14
  17. Atsah

    Stock or not?

    So since you got the truck back it runs better except the idle is rompy? The new low end power is probably welding the oil filter to the motor, to much power..
  18. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    Oh yes, oil on the gasket and I fill the filter with oil as well..
  19. Atsah

    Oil filter self tightening?

    I allways gave a half a turn with the wrench otherwise the filter would leak and never had a problem getting them back off.. The outer shell of a Motorcraft 1995 is stronger than some of the aftermarket ones.. I allways poked a hole in the bottom of the filter before removing it..
  20. Atsah

    Alarm killed truck?

    Wire taps have screwed me more than once, I hate wire taps... Solder all the way..

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