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  1. powerlifter405

    7.3 excursion 4 link rear lowered.

    Lots of custom work. I'm not a lowered fan however I can appreciate and respect the fab skills. Kudos on your skill set, hope it all pans out well, pun intended LOL. BTW, thumbs up to using the larger hemi's and panhard parts. The BJ and PH joints in these trucks wear out so fast, the...
  2. powerlifter405

    Big injectors no start after

    Call the vendor you got them from and they can explain the process better.
  3. powerlifter405

    Tuning at 330k

    Untuned until 298k, all original. At about 307k, using GH, power is ok, mileage is less than stock but its nice to have a peppier feel, currently using SCT street as it gives me the best overall power vs mpg balance. From what I've read about the FICM is to basically stick w/ the atlas 40...
  4. powerlifter405

    2 Way Radios For Sale

    Got any pics of the chargers for the 2600 model. Been contemplating getting some decent 2 ways but been window shopping for awhile. Thx
  5. powerlifter405

    PHP Gryphon / FICM tuner

    Are you the original owner? I see the lettering on the buttons are nearly worn off?
  6. powerlifter405

    Radiator issues need specs

    true, thx for the suggestion.
  7. powerlifter405

    Radiator issues need specs

    Thanks for all the replies. I did find some aluminums w/ a 2-row core but 2.36" wide. that gives about just a bit over 1" of fin surface per row. I came across DeWitt and few other gas radiator builders who are saying row count isn't as important as tube-to-fin contact surface, which is...
  8. powerlifter405

    Radiator issues need specs

    Anyone have the specs on the factory radiator? My 05 had the TT package, don't have any belief that there was more than one radiator but just in case.... At the end of the day, I'm owner #2. Owner #1 had the original replaced, on a road trip at around the 198k mark. The upper cap is starting...
  9. powerlifter405

    KC 38R: Finally a BA drop-in turbo option for E99 7.3’s

    Second that. I always saw an increase in silicon on my oil analysis when I ran reusables. Nothing beats the cost of the good ol' Tymar/BHF set up. R-R has them in donaldson water resistant. And replacements can be had at nearly any class 8 dealer or even most auto parts stores can have them...
  10. powerlifter405

    Another piece to the lifter failure mystery

    LOL, I agree :)
  11. powerlifter405

    Another piece to the lifter failure mystery

    of course and it's great to see guys floating across different forums. It's always good to have some solid discussions vs which vendor sells the highest gigawatt flux capacitor :toast:
  12. powerlifter405

    Oil cooler

    LPS had a sale for all three caps so I had grabbed a set hoping to use the port to add a by-pass. Good to know, maybe I need to rethink it. Thx
  13. powerlifter405

    Oil cooler

    Aside from OEM type oil filters, what's your opinion on the aluminum covers made by the sponsor here Little Power Shop or Amsoil etc? I made the mistake of using a bosch filter once and had issues. Went back to Ford/Fram patented versions and no issues since. When my filter tore my screen...
  14. powerlifter405

    Another piece to the lifter failure mystery

    Thanks for your thoughts, and you're right it is good to have constructive conversation. I've read some of your post on the org I believe and seen a few of your yutube vids and especially found the battery cable gauge vs voltage one very useful. Glad to see you over here :thumbsup:
  15. powerlifter405

    Another piece to the lifter failure mystery

    In your experience is it idling itself or the "excessive" idle time? I ask as I'm at 306k and 7931hrs. It had a trailer hooked to daily except for the days it was used for hunting. I'm the second owner, 1st did all his changes at Ford and the motor was 100% stock when I got it at 298k. It...
  16. powerlifter405

    Alradco Radiator

    Bump for a good guy. Done business w/ previously, has excellent communication :thumbsup:
  17. powerlifter405

    Aftermarket radiator?

    It is unfortunate when a business fails, especially considering the ford tanks do suck. It would have been nice to have options but if it was CQ I'd rather see the failure vs junk surviving the market. On a health side, hope he's alright.
  18. powerlifter405

    Aftermarket radiator?

    I just did search and their website is DOA and chk'd their fb and nothing since '16 so I'm thinking you're spot on. Fleabay is always an option I suppose.
  19. powerlifter405

    Aftermarket radiator?

    I believe Alradco was supposed to have an upgraded unit. If the plastic is bad on your factory, maybe have someone tig weld some aluminum caps on it in place of the plastic. That might work? Also I believe Mishimoto is supposed to have a thicker than OE unit now. I've been seeing some guys...
  20. powerlifter405

    how SHOULD my current combo run

    Like Charlie was saying check for boost/exhaust leaks. Also, the gearing of 3.73's w/ the larger turbo and 40's is another big issue. Tighten all the intercooler boots to spec. What you think is tight VS using a torque wrench might surprise you. Doing so, I've encountered no more blown boots.

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