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  1. Arisley

    Rear Diff

    Heard a popping noise in the rear when turning a corner. Got home, hoping it was something in the brakes (didn't think so, but still hoping). It wasn't, so I jerked the axles (had to use a slide hammer to pop them loose. Pulled the cover, everything looked normal. Pulled the carrier, and...
  2. Arisley

    Front axle question

    Helping a friend out. The driver side front axle has play in the inner axle. Is there a bearing for the axle at the outer end of the axle housing?
  3. Arisley

    Oil change

    Did an oil change on the truck yesterday. On the way home from work, at sixty MPH. Lost an HPOP line. Under the hood is covered in oil. Sent from my truck while eating, adjusting the radio and passing a Mustang sideways.
  4. Arisley

    HPOP gear access cover kit

    My EBP tube and sensor have been broken for years. Just decided to replace them. If you are going to replace, why not improve if possible. Got this kit from Dennis. Perfect fit, easy install. Thanks for not forgetting us old Dinosaur drivers Dennis.
  5. Arisley

    Bad EBP tube

    My EBP tube and sensor has been bad for a while now. Decided to fix it. Got this from Dennis at Strictly Diesel. It was a simple install. Perfect fit. Thanks Dennis for not forgetting about us old Dinosaur drivers.
  6. Arisley

    fuel pump

    I need a stock fuel pump for a 1999 - 2003. Help.
  7. Arisley

    Truck came home on a wrecker

    Started truck to go on to work. Half mile from the house. Injectors start rattlig loud, no power, looked at gauge, no fuel pressure. Got it off the road before it died. I have a 1/4 tank of fuel. Did the Hutch and Harpoon 200K ago so I know that is not the problem. Fuel pumps work. Open the...
  8. Arisley

    Diagnose this:

    Yesterday, coming home from work. Truck sounds funky, feels funky. Pull up ICP pressure and ICP % on the scan gauge. Pressure is up at about 2800, DC is at about 5%. That's funky as hell. All of a sudden, every thing straightens up and flies right. Pressure about 1800 and DC about 15. Drop...
  9. Arisley

    TSD Sump

    Never installed $125.00 shipped.
  10. Arisley

    Glow plug system test

    Stolen from a previous member of a previous forum: The first and easiest test is to check the glow plug relay. 1) Let the truck sit overnight in fairly cold temps ( < 45º ) this will require the glow plugs to activate for a good amount of time for the truck to start properly. 2) The test...
  11. Arisley

    Texas Diesel Nationals

    Who is coming. Two events at Ennis this year, the Worls Finals will be there in October.
  12. Arisley

    old/low blinker fluid?

    Weird problem. Startred the truck this morning. 30º started fine. Went down the road, turned on the left turn signal, no blinky. Turned it off and back on, same thing. About 5 seconds later, it started working. Right one works fine. For about the next three miles or so, the left blinker...
  13. Arisley


    I need a driver side front fender. Had a catastrophic blow-out. It ate the fender. Black if I have a color choice, but any straight on will do.
  14. Arisley

    Installing an alarm system

    I am installing an alarm system. The remote start needs a tach signal to tell the starter to turn off. Everything I can find says the PCM pin 19. All the wiring diagrams I have, say pin 19 only goes to the tach. My question is, can I pull the guage cluster, look for a white/pink wire going...
  15. Arisley

    Fuel system is done

    Just need to hang it and wire it. Can I use factory wiring to run two SD pumps. Or do I need to use the factory wires to fire a relay to feed the pumps. If I need to use a relay, will an old AIH relay work?
  16. Arisley

    Deal codes

    In another thread, all these deal codes came up for ordering parts on line. 20%, 35%, 40% on anything over 80 bucks. If you know a secret code for us for auto parts, post it up here. Lets share the savings. Of course, I am not talking about secret codes for vendors that will put your...
  17. Arisley

    Fuel system question

    Can I mount fuel pumps vertical, or do they need to be horizontal. It would save some room and make the mounting bracket smaller if I could mount them vertical. If I could mount the vertical, I think I would also put the intake to the pumps on the bottom, that way the fuel is pumping up, not...
  18. Arisley

    Tire size question

    Could I run 265\75\16's on the back of my truck without a rubbing issue? I don't want to use spacers.
  19. Arisley

    Soot everywhere

    There is soot everywhere under my hood. Boost is down a bit, EGT's are up a bit. Think it could be uppies?
  20. Arisley

    I made it

    Took me a while to make a post, but I am here.

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