01 Running rough again


New member
May 30, 2011
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Milford Center, Ohio
My dad's 01 about a month ago started running real rough when I was driving it . The SES light came on and the truck had no power at all. Got it home plugged the scanner in, and an IDM code was read. I double checked this with a local mechanic and he said it should be an IDM Module. So we got one from NAPA switched it out, and the truck ran fine till about a week later, and it started acting up again but not as much. So we switched for another new module, because I've heard a lot of guys having problems with new modules and with the new one once again it ran fine. Now, this past week it's been running like **** again. So i don't know if it'd be another bad module, or maybe a uvc harness ??? Tell me what you guys think!:cursing:

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