Looking to sell this because i'm going custom.
I am including everything in this kit to work on trucks with a ccv system in tact, as well as those trucks with a rerouted ccv. I'm including the stock intake piece off the turbo inlet, that has the ccv port hole blocked. The S&B stock fit piece is also included. This has the cleanable filter, which could use a cleaning, but I was just going to replace it, but obviously plans changed.
$200 Shipped?
I am including everything in this kit to work on trucks with a ccv system in tact, as well as those trucks with a rerouted ccv. I'm including the stock intake piece off the turbo inlet, that has the ccv port hole blocked. The S&B stock fit piece is also included. This has the cleanable filter, which could use a cleaning, but I was just going to replace it, but obviously plans changed.
$200 Shipped?