A bunch of shops here in Arizona are putting together a Dyno event here on the 20th of this month in hope of bringing together a large annual southwestern area even ontop of the NHRDA events. Anyone is welcome to come down and participate or just spectate.
There is a very high chance of Dan. K from SDK making a trip down and offering live tuning for that weekend also.
Thanks to KC Turbos for his help and use of his dyno also !
A bunch of shops here in Arizona are putting together a Dyno event here on the 20th of this month in hope of bringing together a large annual southwestern area even ontop of the NHRDA events. Anyone is welcome to come down and participate or just spectate.
There is a very high chance of Dan. K from SDK making a trip down and offering live tuning for that weekend also.
Thanks to KC Turbos for his help and use of his dyno also !