Who is or has ran a cam in the 6.0, what did you think of it, did it help the low end power? I know it is said to take the power band past 4000rpms. I really only care what it does on the low end.
Who is or has ran a cam in the 6.0, what did you think of it, did it help the low end power? I know it is said to take the power band past 4000rpms. I really only care what it does on the low end.
Theres a colt in my blue truck. It def helped spool up. Low and mid range came up quite a bit as well.
I also installed a colt cam on a 6.4 i just recently remanned for a customer of mine.
It was the only thing i did other than studs. I will tell you it is the coolest snappiest 6.4 running only sct canned tunes ive driven!!
I would give you a big green light on a cam!!!!
Motor needs to come out. Pull the crank, and install cam.
Theres another way, but i wouldnt recomend it to you..