Clifford Alarm Remote Programming Howto


May 16, 2011
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to enter programming
open a door
turn on ignition and then turn it off.
press and hold the valet switch for 3 seconds and the siren will chirp once
to show its in programming mode on page one, keep holding and it will chirp
2 times to show its on page 2, it will chirp 3 times for page 3.
Release the button when the desired page/menu is reached.
Press and release the valet button to go to the desired line on that page.
Once the item has been selected press and hold the valet switch and it will chirp
the number of times to show which item your on. Should chirp 13 times for the
wait to start feature line for example.
While still holding the valet switch the lock button on the remote selects the default
mode for that line, the unlock button selects the 2nd column aka optional setting.
For items that have multiple selections in the 2nd column keep pressing the unlock
button to cyle thru them.
Now release the valet button when the item is set to what is desired.
3-13 default is wait to start input timed 15 seconds (2), 30 (3), 45 (4)
turn on ignition to exit programming

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