I use a 18/19mm (whichever I grab first) 12 point socket to press out the harness plugs from the rocker boxes. Then you'll need a T30 for the oil rails, except some early 03's which have an 8mm bolt. A long T40, ( later 06-07's actually use a T45 I believe) for the injector hold down. Using a short T40/45 on an angle can cause headaches, so take your time on those and get the torx seated well, I stripped one out once (turned it into a long night). I tighten the holdowns back to 26 ft/lbs after putting on new orings and copper washers. Some may disagree with the torque #, but it has always worked for me. Have a battery charger/jumper cables or some way to keep the starter turning, because you will have to crank it a while to get the injector oil pressure back up, and don't be worried if it runs crappy at first (it has to purge the air out). Be worried if it continues running bad after the air's been bled (within the next day or two, depending on how much you drive it).
It's not too bad of a job, just tight in some spots to reach. Make sure to clean the injector hole out so the new sticks seat properly, torque em' down and enjoy. Good luck with it. It's been a few months since I swapped a set, so someone please correct me if I made a mistake.