Have to change up pipe gaskets in the driveway in this lovely chicago weather got the turbo off and 1 of 4 bolts removed any suggestions or input would be appreciated.
That must be tough from the top. I have not had them apart but when I had my transmission out it looked a lot easier from their. Good luck and try to stay warm.
If it were me I would remove the up pipes and babys butt altogether. Unbolt the up pipes from the manifold. Take it into a warm shop and work on it there.
Plan on breaking one or two of the bolts, unless you use lots of heat and PB blaster.
if gaskets are bad you can remove bottom bolts and just pull out the up pipes, will need a half moon 10mm wrench, 1/2" deep socket and ratchet , reinstall turbo with y pipe installed on it then place up pipes back in from the bottom, will need a long extension flex joint and good 10mm socket to put the top bolts back in