Driving Chelseas Excursion this weekend (she was driving but I noticed it as well) and she went to pass someone. The truck seemed to shudder, felt to me a lot like a slipping trans... Let off and it goes away. She lowered the setting on the chip and we could not repeat it off hand.
She just texted me and said it did it again, twice when she was trying to pass someone.
Fuel pressure is fine and remains constant, HPOP is fine and very respectable with the AC code injectors...
Could this be a line pressure issue? Or does it sound more like a tranny on its last legs?
This is a HD 4R100 from Ford installed about 5 years ago. It has about 80-85k on it... Just had it serviced about 8-10k ago at a local shop. I should have checked the fluid level this weekend but forgot. I will have chelsea check it today.
Any ideas???
She just texted me and said it did it again, twice when she was trying to pass someone.
Fuel pressure is fine and remains constant, HPOP is fine and very respectable with the AC code injectors...
Could this be a line pressure issue? Or does it sound more like a tranny on its last legs?
This is a HD 4R100 from Ford installed about 5 years ago. It has about 80-85k on it... Just had it serviced about 8-10k ago at a local shop. I should have checked the fluid level this weekend but forgot. I will have chelsea check it today.
Any ideas???