The real problem is that the tank vents do not work well. The OBS tank vent hose runs through the center of the fill line. You need to remove the nozzle restrictor plate in the filler neck, remove the vent line in the center of the fill line and add a rollover valve that will vent the tank externally back to the filler neck. The tough part is finding the right rollover valve. Some have cut a groove around a PVC pipe fitting that will fit the gasket of the existing rollover valve snugly, then plumb an external vent line to the filler neck and add a hose barb to the top of the filler neck for the vent line. Works just as good as the TransferFlow vent kit and costs about $50 for both tanks.
Straight PVC pipe coupling, slip/thread, 90*hose barb/pipe thread to fit, some diesel rated fuel line for the vent hose, a 90* brass hose barb to braze into the metal section of the filler neck and a couple of clamps. I don't recall the size of the PVC coupling, its either 1/2" or 3/4" PVC pipe. Then you can use the big boy fuel pump nozzles full blast. You can use a bench grinder to cut the gasket groove into the PVC pipe coupling.