Help!!! Engine problems

Jan 29, 2013
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Ridgeville Indiana
Well as some of you might know, i have had some problems with my 08 f-250 6.4. Well Started out with the high pressure turbo was leaking oil past the seals. The old turbo had fried oil inside the oil galley inside the turbo. Well i ended up replacing the center cartridge. checked the vgt while it was apart. It was kinda sticky in a couple spots, but not to the point were it wouldnt move. I worked it and worked it but it just wouldnt come completely out of it. Still could fell it get a little tougher to move in spots, But wouldnt sieze up to the point where it couldnt be moved with one hand. I put a dpf delete and chip to shut it off. I also put a little superchip flashpaq on it, i got for free. Anyway jump to the other day, Its been ruffly 300 mile. The truck has been babied for the most part. Only been opened up probably twice or three times. Well now for the problem. Went into town and came to stop sign, Had to make left turn and there was traffic coming pretty heavily both ways. So i had to kinda get on it to get out. Less than 1/2 throttle for just a couple seconds. I noticed the truck was really smoking black worse than ive ever seen it before. Well i went up the road a 1/8 mile and arrived at the ice cream shop. Turned in there to go thru the drive thru. the truck was running good, didnt notice any weird noises or anything. Out of the corner of my eye i notice a puff of white smoke. just one. so i sit there and look at the tailpipe out the mirror and nothing for a sec. Then it does it again but this time it keeps smoking white. not real heavy tho. So at this time, I got the o **** feeling in my stomach. So i pull out of line drive to the closest parking spot and shut it off. Get the ice cream, less than 5 minutes pass. Get back in the truck, start it up just like normal and now its not smoking???? smelled the exhaust and couldnt smell anything. drove it out of the parking lot and noticed that when i get up around or above 10psi the turbo would woosh loud. No check engine lights came on. Drove it 15 mi back home babing it the whole way. No smoke at all. Then started it up again today to drive it to work and everything seemed fine the woosh was gone and no smoke truck runs fine. I dont know what the problem is. I kinda thought before when i kicked it down the last time. i thought i might of seen a little white smoke, But i shut the truck off then to and after i started it back up it didnt do it anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas what could be going on with it? I kinda wonder about the vgt sticking? ebp valve or sensor bad or tube plugged? I dont know tho because the white smoke is throwing me off. I wish i woulda got out of the truck at the ice cream place and smelled the smoke. I didnt because they were really busy.

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