How bad is this?


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Lubbock tx
A few years back 3 or 4 i replaced the pinion seal. Fast forward to now and i noticed a whining noise first assuming it was hydroboost related i checked and was slightly low. Topped off the fluid and went on my way. Today though driving windows down and radio off i noticed out of the beer window a whinning noise on acceleration. Knowing its been 40k or so i decided to open her up and check things out. Fluid is dark but seems free of metal from what i can see with flashlights. I did see the contact area pictured. So next i moved to removing the driveshaft and the pinion had backed off apparently. Im in the process of tightening it back up now and it dosent appear to have a lot of up and down play or sided to side play. There is some rotational slack. How far am i going to have to go into this thing for a repair do you think. The gears, both pinion and ring look good as does the carrier minus the slight machine work.... can i thighten it up and roll with it or am i about to be rebuilding the axle or gear set? uploadfromtaptalk1439704029347.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439704062368.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439704091306.jpguploadfromtaptalk1439704123361.jpg


Active member
Jan 14, 2012
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The damage is not visible, but the wear pattern has shifted and the pinion is likely damaged--the likely noise wont go away. If you're short on cash, have someone set it up and deal with the hum.

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