how is the quadzilla tuner


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Apr 24, 2012
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im pretty much tapped out of money for my truck this year, w new paint and exhaust, intake and other goodies, and just have enough to get the quadzilla Xzillaraider II, if i had the money i would get the sct but i like how u can change this on the fly, i just wanna know what u guys think about the quadzilla any feedback please


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Dec 25, 2011
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Central PA
Even if you can't afford custom tunes, you could run the canned ones on a SF3 until you got money.


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Apr 24, 2012
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yea belive me i want the sct but cant afford atm, and i want more freakin power lol, my ? is what is the neg things about the quad

bft blue oval boys

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Mar 10, 2012
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Burlington, NC
You can get a SF3 for like 300 bucks can't you? Just get one if those and stick with the canned tunes till you can afford custom tuned...

As for your question, never known anyone to run the quad but if it's shift on the fly with no trans tuning then it's just gonna eat your trans. Like edge lol

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Jan 31, 2012
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Elkview WV
I'm still running canned tunes ( don't judge me) they will give you more power, so just rub them pennies together, and get the SCT

Sent from in a ditch up side down and on fire with the wheels still spinning


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May 14, 2012
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How much do you have to spend. I have an SCT livewire that isn't doing me any good right now. Even have custom tunes from IDP if your strategy is the same ill throw in with it.


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Apr 24, 2012
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where do u find a used sct and how much would a used one be and i hope the sct is nothing like the hand held bully dog that thing sucked


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Jun 20, 2012
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Sassamansville, PA
When buying a used SCT device, there are some things to consider. The cost of buying used or buying a new SCT with custom tunes included. There are vendors and authorized SCT tune writers that sell the units new with tunes included in the price.*

You can find used SCT devices on eBay, craigslist, friends/family, and various Ford forums. *Here's a rundown of the SCT devices that will work with the 6.0 powerstroke.*

X-2 *part #9400-- Custom tunes only.

X2 part SF #9415-- Canned tunes only, but can be converted to part #9400. *Once you convert the 9415 to the 9400 you lose the canned tunes to make room for the custom tunes. You need to ask the seller to clarify if the 9415 (canned only) was converted to 9400 (custom only). The conversion is done on SCT website for free.

X3 part #3000-- Here's where it gets confusing. There are two different X3 models, original X-3's and newer X3's. Both have the same part #3000. You will need to look at the device serial # to see which one it is. The original X3's are able to hold canned and custom tunes, the first two letters of the serial # will start with "X3". *The newer style X3's are only capable of holding custom tunes, the first two letters of the serial # will start with "XP". *There are two locations for the serial #, a sticker on the back of the X3 or power up the device, scroll to "device info" to retrieve the serial #.
The serial # tells you which model you have, along with the month/day/year of the device. The first two letters will be either "X3" or "XP", the second pair of numbers will be the month, the third pair of numbers will be the day, and the forth pair of numbers will be the year.*

Example: X3011608XXXXX----------- X3 is device,, 01/16/08 is the date.
X3's sold prior to 7/25/08 are the original X3's.

SF3 part #3015-- Will hold canned tunes and custom tunes.

Livewire part #9600-- Will hold canned and custom tunes.*

TSX part #8900-- Will hold canned and custom tunes.

Important information: When buying a used SCT that has custom tunes written for someone else's truck, not all tunes will work on all trucks. Custom tune compatibility will depend on the PCM/ECU (truck computer) year strategy. The '03 and early '04 trucks have the '03 motor and PCM/ECU, the hex code strategy will start with VXA. The late '04 PCM/ECU will start with VXB. The 05-07 PCM/ECU will start with VXC. Notice the third letter, A,B,C. You can not interchange tunes written for a different year PCM/ECU. An example is, tunes written for a '03-early '04 PCM/ECU with a VXA, will not work on a PCM/ECU that has VXB (late '04). Don't be fooled by just the truck year, you need to know the year PCM/ECM strategy hex code. If you try loading a different year strategy onto a different year PCM/ECM, your truck will be "locked out/no start", and will either have to be towed to a dealer for a reflash, or contact SCT with your issue, so they can send you a "recovery file" to load your stock tune back into the PCM/ECU.

You need to confirm with the seller if the status/married status of the SCT device is "Locked" or "Unlocked". *If your able to hook the SCT device up to a PC or a Ford OBDII port, go into the "Device info", it will tell you if it is locked or unlocked. *If you can't physically check the status yourself, have the seller confirm "locked or unlocked" with a picture of the screen. The SCT device's will only tune one vehicle at a time.

Status or Married status- Locked means that the SCT device can't be used by you until the seller returns his/her vehicle back to stock. If the seller can't return their vehicle back to stock (sold the vehicle), then the SCT device will need to be sent back to SCT to be unlocked for a fee ($150).

Status or Married status-- Unlocked means that the SCT device is ready to be used on another vehicle.*

You will also need to know from the seller, how many "unlocks" it has left. Depending on the SCT device, it left the SCT factory with either 3 or 5 "unlocks left". As long as it has "1 unlock left" you will be able to use the device on your truck. If the SCT device has "0 unlocks left", then it will need to be sent back to SCT to be reset for a fee ($65). Every time you use a SCT device to tune a different vehicle, it recognizes the different VIN number and uses up one of the "unlocks left". When you power up the SCT device, the amount of "unlocks" will be in the device info screen.

X2 part # 9400 & 9415 look for:
** * * * * Stat=stock, the tuner is half locked and can be fixed using the SCT website.
** * * * * *Stat=aftermarket, the X2 is locked
** * * * * * Stat=unused, the X2 is unlocked

X3 part #3000 & 3015 look for:
** * * * * * * Status: Locked
** * * * * * * Status: Unlocked

Livewire part #9600 look for:
** * * * * *Married Status: Unlocked
** * * * * *Married Status: Locked

TSX part #8900 look for:
** * * * * * * Married status: Unlocked
** * * * * * * Married status: Locked

Once you have the SCT device, the first thing you need to do is download the SCT drivers/software onto your PC and update the SCT device.

Your are now ready to use your SCT device. If your SCT device has canned tunes, your ready to go load a tune into the truck. If you want/required to use custom tunes, you need to go hook up the SCT device up to your truck and write down the truck "Strategy" and contact a authorized SCT custom tune writer with your truck info and SCT device serial #.


New member
Apr 24, 2012
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dont really know, i did the 4'' tb and intake and gauges and just looking for tuner for a lil more power thats all, egr delete is next but not till spring


New member
May 14, 2012
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If you could find out the strategy on the truck I would sell you mine with extreme x, extreme street, and a street tune from IDP. If interested pm me

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