Ive had friends with the same problem as you, therefore, I never use Howes. It turns to syrup in the bottle when it gets cold and that's enough for me to stay away from it. 911 is for thinning fuel that has already gelled and it works, ive used it plenty. But you still have to treat the fuel that you add 911 to because it doesn't prevent gelling it only reverses it for a period of time, I learned that lesson the hard way. Power Service in the White bottle or Stanadyne's anti-gel formula both work well to prevent gelling. Those are all products that I have used and they worked for me. I hate to, and hardly ever, use #1 fuel. I just pour some extra additive in if I know its gunna be really cold for a couple days and never have any problems, but I do keep a bottle of 911 with just in case.